The New Guard

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"Would ya really skin me alive" I asked the guard as they kept their back turned to me, not responding to any of my questions. "You're rude" I said as I balled my hands into fists. I had an idea, I could easily kill this guard, they aren't even watching me. I gently gripped onto the bars on the ceiling, the electric current travelling through my arms. I guess all that time in Arkham and the acid really stopped this stuff from hurtin' me.

I slid my legs between the bars. As I went to wrap my legs around their throat and suffocate them. The guard turned around, stopping me in my tracks. They pulled off their mask, muttering "you know I can see your reflection in the door handle, right?" "Pervert" I replied. "Thanks" she said. Wait, a female guard? That's new. Always thought Arkham were a fan of ugly male guards.

She ran her fingers through her dark brown hair as her bright green eyes met mine. "Are you going to get off me now, or do you still want to kill me?" She asked with an amused smile as my legs rested on her shoulders. I slid my legs off her and let go of the bars, dropping to the ground. "Who are you? Why are you my guard?" I asked as I tried to piece everything together. "Well, I'm the highest ranking guard in Gotham prisons and you're notorious for escaping" she answered. "What's your name?" I asked as I crossed my legs and rested my chin on my hands.

"That's classified" she said as she matched my position. "Why aren't you scared of me?" I asked curiously. "That's classified" she replied with a smile. "You're a pain in the ass ya know?" I said with a pout. "Fine, what do you want to know?" She laughed in response. "Tell me everything, your whole story" I said with a fascinated tone. She shook her head. "Come on, ya know my origin story" I responded. "Everyone knows yours, but fine, I guess its only fair" she said as she began to think.

"Well, you're not going to like my story" she said as her brows furrowed. "Just tell me" I repeated as I waited for her to begin. "My mother had an affair with a married man, she had two children by him. The first was my older brother, then 7 years later, me" she said as she continued to think. "When I was 14, my brother turned evil, he was notorious for mass murder. It was so bad that my father spent a lot of money to send me far away, to a camp that trained young girls. He wanted to protect me from Jack, my brother, but mainly to ensure I didn't become like him" she said with a sad tone.

"So ya became some fancy guard cause of that camp?" I asked. "No" she responded as she shook her head. "I stayed at that camp for 4 years, when I was 18, I was recruited by the U.S. military because they were so impressed with the abilities I perfected at the camp. They sent me to protect a U.S. prison located in China. I worked there for a year, until I met a girl. She worked for Ra's Al Ghul, who I'm sure you have heard of" she said as her green eyes met my pale blue ones. "Yeah, the big scary demon guy who's like 500 years old" I replied.

"Yeah, him. Well he found out that I was dating his precious assassin, who had told me everything about Nanda Parbat. He came after me with four assassins. They tried to kill me but I was already one of the greatest soldiers. I killed the assassins but Ra's was stronger than me. He was impressed and brought me back to Nanda Parbat, making me swear an oath to become a member. I stayed there with the girl for a while but things became difficult between us. I escaped Nanda Parbat and returned to the U.S. to join the military, again. I knew the League of Assassins wouldn't come after me if I joined secret service" she said with a pause as she looked back at me.

"So you became a guard at Arkham?" I asked. She slowly nodded as she waited for my reaction to her story. "What happened to your brother?" I asked, wondering if he was a villain I knew of. "Jack is here, in Arkham, he hasn't seen me in 7 years so he probably won't recognise me" she responded with a hopeful tone. "Have I heard of him?" I questioned her as she quickly averted her gaze from my blue eyes. "No" she responded as she pulled her mask back on and turned away from me. "It's Jade, by the way" she whispered as if it was just to herself. "It's nice ta meet ya, Jade" I responded with a smile.

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