The Grand Escape

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I quickly held my hands over my ears as the invasive alarms blared into the dark room. Poison Ivy looked around in shock as the doors unlocked. She then gently held my arms and pulled them away from my ears.

She said something to me loudly but I shook my head, signalling that I couldn't hear her. She pressed her lips against my ear as she said "trust me". She interlocked her green fingers between my pale tattooed fingers. She walked me towards the exit and we slipped between two frantic guards and ran down the hallway.

"What are ya doing?" I yelled out to her as we ran through the darkened hallways. A voice blared over the speakers yelling "all prisoners must return to their cell". Poison Ivy turned to me with a grin, she spread her arms out, as she exclaimed "We are escaping!" "We can't be escapin', Batsy's gonna find us" I yelled back as we dodged guards.

We finally stopped in a sectioned off part of the hallway. I breathed heavily as Poison Ivy responded "I'll protect you". Her hands gently grazed my waist as she waited for my breathing to even out. "See that door over there? We need a keycard to unlock it, then it's a run to the Arkham gates while dodging the bullets of guards" she said as though it was effortless.

"I need my weapons, Red", I replied as I eyed the door that led to the weapons room. "I'll get a keycard, you get your weapons, I'll meet you here in a few minutes" she said as she noticed my gaze on the door. "Harley" she called out, releasing me from my daydreaming of my precious weapons. "Be safe" she said as she gave me a quick kiss on the forehead.

The thick cloud of Poison Ivy surrounded me once again. All I could smell was her. All I could think about was her. All I wanted was her. Then the alarms started again, snapping me out of the spell like symptoms. I ran across the hall, dodging the flying bullets from the burley guards with horrible aim.

I skidded across the floor as a bullet grazed my pale arm. My eyes widened from the sting as I frantically opened the heavy door. I ran to the cardboard box labelled "Harley Quinn". I pulled out my heavy wooden mallet and the black baseball bat, strapping it to my waist with my weapons belt. I stuffed my harlequin outfit into the pockets of my Arkham jumpsuit and stashed a few smoke bombs.

I ran out of the room eyeing Poison Ivy who was flirting with a guard. His eyes glazed over as he slowly swayed back and forth letting her take his keycard. He was practically drooling over her, as if she was all he wanted. All he wanted? Like how she is all I want when I'm around her?

"Harley!" Ivy called out as she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the glass doors. She quickly scanned the keycard and hauled us out of Arkham. She turned to me as she tucked a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear. "Don't let any bullets hit you, Harley" she said as she ran towards the gates.

I closely followed her, running in zig zags to avoid getting shot. We finally made it out of the gate as Ivy's arm went up, forming a barricade of plants as we ran through the forests surrounding Arkham, leading back to the city.

After a while of running, Ivy stopped and turned towards me. "Let me see your arm" she said as she led me to a wooden log nearby. "I'm fine, Red" I replied as I brushed off her hand. "What's wrong?" She questioned me as she held her hand over mine.

"This. This is what's wrong." I said as I quickly stood up and stepped away from her. "The trance thingy ya put me in" I almost yelled in annoyance. Her eyes widened as she responded "Harls, what are you talking about?" I stamped my foot like an angry child as I continued to yell "you did it to the guard and ya keep doin' it to me, Red, what is it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about" she answered with a deadly tone as her eyes turned cold. I quickly sat on the log next to her as her gaze burned into me. "Show me your arm. Now" she said in a serious tone. I shook my head and crossed my arms. "No", I said as I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Harley" she said as she stood up and faced me. She looked down at me with her hands balled into fists at either side of her. I looked away and reached my arm forward. "Hold here" she said as she placed my hand on her waist as she looked at the bullet graze on my upper arm.

She ripped the sleeve off my jumpsuit and wrapped it around the wound. I squinted as she tightened it, trying my hardest not to react from the pain. Ya see this wasn't my first gun injury. Mista J shot me several times, I always recovered. Tears welled in my eyes as I thought of those evil eyes staring at me from behind the barrel of his purple gun.

Poison Ivy stopped and knelt beside me. "I'm sorry, Harley, I tried my best not to hurt you" she said as she gently rested her hand against the fabric wrapped around my wound. She then reached up and wiped the tears that had spilled over the brim of my eyes. "It's not that" I said with a shaky voice.

She slowly rubbed my back, and waited patiently for me to keep talking. "The pain reminds me of Mista J" I held back more tears as I felt a knot in my throat. She nodded in concern as she wrapped her arms around me, holding me there for a minute.

She pulled back, looking conflicted as she said "let's walk to one of my hideouts in the city and I can fix up your arm". I nodded as she helped me up and we continued to walk through the gloomy forest.

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