Let's Get Outta Here

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"If I unlock this door, you won't attack me, alright?" Jade asked nervously as she held up the key. "Nah, I don't want ta hurt ya, princess" I replied with a wide grin as my icy blue eyes looked up at her. "I wasn't worried about my own safety, princess" she said as her eyes darkened. I crossed my arms in annoyance as a small chuckle erupted from her. "How about once we escape we put it to the test, who's the better fighter" she offered as she began unlocking the cell. "Fine, but ya know the acid made me super strong?" I responded as I pushed the door open. "I'll still win" Jade said with a little smile as she passed me a guard outfit.

"I'm not wearin' that, it doesn't go with my hair" I said as I unfolded the green armour. "Good thing you're wearing a mask" Jade said as she handed me a helmet with tinted glass goggles. "This is a guard outfit for watching more obscure criminals" she said in a hesitant tone. "What do ya mean?" I asked as I pulled the armour over my Arkham jumpsuit. "Have you ever met Nanaue, also known as King Shark. Or maybe you've met Killer Croc." she said as she clipped the back of my armour, tight enough to cover the bright orange of my jumpsuit.

"Yeah, I've heard of em'" I responded as I crossed my arms in curiosity. "Well thicker armour helps when you're guarding someone capable of biting your arm off" she answered as she pulled the helmet over my head. "Wow you look really hot" she said with a smirk as the helmet covered my entire face. "Has anyone ever told ya you're an asshole" I said as I gently pushed her back. "Yes, you have several times" she replied with a smirk as she pulled her own mask over her face. "Good cause ya know your ego doesn't need any boostin" I replied as she carefully handed me two pistols.

"Be careful with these" she said as she placed one in my palm and curled my index finger over the trigger. "You know how to use one of these?" She asked as she tilted the gun upright. "Never used one" I said as I fired the gun, shooting through the 3 of diamonds card in the deck strewn across the floor. Jade looked up at me with a smirk as she handed me the second pistol and three smoke bombs. "Looks like you got this handled, but I'm always here to help, just yell out if you need me" she said with a serious tone as she pocketed various weapons.

"Do ya have a baseball bat?" I chirped as I looked around the box of supplies she had. "A baseball bat? Why?" she asked as she handed me a metallic bat. I squealed as I snatched the bat from her and twirled it between my fingers. "Haven't ya read my file?" I asked with a smirk as I rested the bat on my shoulder. Her green eyes followed the metal as I expertly swung it. A small smile formed on her face as she realised the depth of my capabilities. "I wish you used one of those on my brother" she replied with a wicked smile. We both burst into a violent laugh, with wide grins spread on our faces.

"Let's get outta here" I squealed as Jade opened the door for me. Our boots clicked on the concrete floor as we exited the "Harley Quinn Ward". I smirked as I swung the bat into the sign, watching it shatter to the floor. Jade gave a small laugh as she loaded her gun. "Turn right" she said as she looked down at her watch. "3, 2, 1" she whispered as a loud eruption burst behind us. Smoke and fire filled the hallway behind us as she pulled down her mask and instructed me to do the same. We began to run through the hallways as Jade ordered the directions to turn.

Eventually, she held my arm, holding me back as she looked around the corner to the next hallway. "Get ready" she mouthed as she nudged the bat in my hand. She pulled a gun from the back of her belt as she ran into the room. Bullets began to fly as a room full of armed guards noticed us. Jade began to tackle a few, taking them down as swiftly as possible. With a laugh, I threw a couple smoke bombs into the room and swung my bat towards the face of the nearest guard. I flipped over his corpse, kicking the next guard in the stomach and out the window. I landed on my toes with a flourish as several guards surrounded me.

"Come on" I chirped as the security charged towards me. I flipped up onto the shoulders of one, wrapping my legs around his neck. As I choked him, I swung my bat wildly at as many guards as I could see. Once I had taken down the ones focussed on me, I looked over at Jade fighting with a careful precision, knocking out guard after guard. I joined in on the fun, fighting back to back until a pile of unconscious men formed around us. Jade grabbed my hand and guided me towards the next exit. We walked down a hallway of glass windowed cells. She finally stopped at one and peered into the cell.

There sat Mista J with his back turned to us. His long green hair was matted and dry and he barely filled out his jumpsuit. A small laugh erupted from him as he gasped out "it's good to see you". He finally turned around, the scars around his mouth straining as he shook from laughter. "Jack, have fun in hell" Jade said with a mock salute, alerting him to the fact he will never get to us. "See ya Puddin" I said with a little wave as I watched the anger darken his green eyes. I followed Jade down a few more hallways until she pulled open a grate in the wall, revealing a tunnel.

"I'm not gettin' in there" I chirped as I removed my helmet and goggles. "Yes you are", Jade responded as she removed hers as well. Suddenly we heard a walky-talky screech as a guards voice echoed "where'd they go?" Jade quickly climbed into the pipe and reached her hand out to me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I held her hand and pulled myself into the disgusting tunnel. Jade leaned over me, pulling the grate closed over the opening of the pipe. She then gestured for me to keep quiet as more voices of guards were heard. She quietly sat back down next to me as we waited. "Can't we just fight em" I whined as Jade clamped her hand over my mouth.

"Be quiet" she said as her green eyes met my pale blue ones. We kept eye contact as the guards shuffled around us. I noticed her facial features. Ya know I thought she looked like Puddin, but I guess her tan skin and dark hair make her different. Although her eyes were similar, her lips didn't stretch upwards into a wicked smile. I found myself staring at her lips before meeting her eyes again before realising she was looking at my lips too. I felt a thick air of tension surround us as we both slowly leant in. "They aren't here" a guard called out, breaking the moment. Jade quickly looked away from me as she signalled to follow her down the tunnel.

We crawled for a few minutes before reaching the end of the pipe. Jade pushed the grate open with a kick as she hauled herself out. I did a graceful flip out from the pipe, landing perfectly as she lead me towards a dark convertible. We climbed into the car and drove off. I laughed loudly as we had escaped one of the most secure Asylums in America.

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