First Dream: Leviathan

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Day: 1 April 2022

Time: 21:00

Experiencing the same dreams repeatedly is not an uncommon occurrence, I've been told, Many people recall dreaming near similar nonsensical scenarios in their sleep but I just can't bring myself to believe that. The dreams I've been having were constant, consistent, and most importantly, coherent. Every night, I was met with a black-haired girl in a white robe, wearing a white blindfold. Every night, I end up having conversations with her non-stop. None of them were friendly, I feel. This is what our conversation was last night, a game of yes or no:

The girl: "Do you have a name?"

Me: "Pass."

The girl: "Do you have a family?"

Me: "Pass."

The girl: "Do you have a hobby?"

Me: "Pass."

The girl: "Are you content with your life?"

Me: "Pass"

The girl: "Do you want it to change?"

Me: "Pass"

The girl: "That's five passes, are you going to answer any of my questions?"

Me: "Pass."

The girl: "Are you not going to open up to me?"

Me: "Pass."

The girl: "Is there something you're hiding from me?"

Me: "Pass."

The girl: "Do you want something to make you talk?"

Me: "Pass."

The girl: "Is there even a reason for you to act like this?"

Me: "Pass."

The girl: "I guess not... let me ask something else, why are you hiding your eyes?"

Me: "Pass."

The questions didn't cease in the slightest and went on for what felt like forever.

The girl: "Do you have any regrets?"

Me: "Pass."

The girl: "Do your friends treat you well?"

Me: "Pass."

The girl: "Do you even have friends?"

Me: "Pass."

The girl: "Do you have a girlfriend"

Me: "Pass."

The girl: "Do you want to have any friends?"

Me: "Pass."

The girl: "That makes forty five questions, that's how many times you've denied me, what did I do to you for you to treat me like this?"

Me: "Pass."

The girl: "You're horrible..."

That's the last thing I could remember before I waking up.

I might be going mad overtime but I feel that on top of all of that, the strangest thing about all of this is that I have been dreaming recently.

I haven't had a single dream for the past seven years, so why is this happening now?

As for the rest of my day, it was fairly like usual. I woke up at seven AM sharp and began preparing my restaurant. A huge majority of my customers were regulars, mostly because this place is located in the outskirts of JacksonVille, Florida. Since it is a very bright, eventful city, not many people notice this unsuspecting small house in the middle of the woods. So, only people who are aware of this place would come to eat. One of my regulars, a scrawny man named David, said that I should relocate into the city to 'expand my business' and I've been considering that for a while now. Maybe I should start saving for that.

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