Final Dream: Something Vile is Under Your Skin

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"The rules of the tournament will be altered tomorrow not only to offer a second chance to those who wish to take another shot at victory, but to accommodate our special guest as well. Ladies, gentlemen and whatever else in between, Tomorrow, all brackets will be removed in favour of a more unique challenge. Our dear guest, Damien Lopez, shall be your only opponent and your arena shall be my entire estate. When the clock strikes midnight, until the break of dawn, all of you are free to do whatever you deem necessary in order to bring his head to me. Whoever succeeds at this rather challenging task shall be rewarded with a place among the elites as promised, and to celebrate such an unexpected deviation, the victor shall also be granted one wish as long as it's within the realm of reason. All challengers are welcome, those who lost, those who won, those who have yet to fight, and those who didn't initially intend on participating. May the great powers above be with you all."


"That is all he told them." Biscuit told me, when we met up in a discrete, dark place outside the castle after I fled the ballroom. I responded to her report: "I see... So, I just need to survive until six AM, is that it?"

Biscuit: "No, what you need to do is flee. You are too valuable to risk yourself that way."

Me: "As much as I would love to do that, I can't. I have to see this through to the end."

Biscuit: "Why? Don't you understand? If you fail at any point in time, you will have forsaken everyone and everything on this earth."

Me: "I still don't understand what you mean by that. What do you expect me to do?"

Biscuit: "I expect you to do the right thing."

Me: "Vague as always. If you want me to survive so badly, then how about you help me fight them? You're their boss's daughter and you've got wish granting powers. Can't I just wish for victory?"

Biscuit: "I will be very truthful with you, I cannot grant wishes. It is an illusion formed by these feathers that come from the wings on my back."

Me: "Oh, I see. so the feathers that M.I.S.S.I.O.N keeps harping on about come from you, not Archimedes."

Biscuit: "Correct. When we met for the first time, I stuck a feather inside you without being noticed."

Me: "Again?! Man, you sure do love sticking feathers in my body."

Biscuit: "That feather has the properties of a Beyonder, Classyalabolas, that allows you to understand any language. I felt that it would be useful for your journey."

Me: "Thanks for that, by the way. So, how about you help me?"

Biscuit: "I cannot. I can't defy Father's orders no matter how much I want to. The best thing I could do is exploit loopholes in his orders to talk to you and the only reason I can do that now is because I am under no commands currently."

Me: "That means... If you were told to put me out of commission..."

Biscuit: "I would have no choice but to do so. Thankfully, when I was given that order, I was able to simply pin you against an enemy you could handle, thanks to L'étranger's generous favour."

Me: "Oh, so you were the one who told her to put that feather in me."

Biscuit: "Yes. That does not matter now. What you need to worry about is ensuring your survival."

Me: "How so? I'm open to any suggestions."

Biscuit: "That is wholly up to you. However, I will give you two things to aid you as best I can."

From behind her, she pulled out a palm-sized ladybug toy, stuck inside a semi-transparent green orb, and a small vial containing a clear liquid. She elaborated: "Listen to me, this vial contains pure water from the lake of release, which only the tree monks are allowed to possess, if you find yourself in great peril, douse yourself in it. But be wary, You absolutely must use it only if your life is guaranteed to end otherwise."

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