Fifth Dream: The Cathedral of Sorrow

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Day: 26 April 2022

Time: 21:47

I had another dream, I was on the blue island again, but it was different.

In the stead of the usual tree and its blindfolded attendant, there was a huge architecturally detailed cathedral. With the walls colored blue and stained glass windows that portray an unknown tale.

In front of me stood its massive doors, and through those doors, muffled whispers could be heard from within, they say: "Open the door."

I extended my arms to push the door open, however, the second I laid my hands upon it, a cold chill ran down my spine as if what awaits me behind these doors will only lead to suffering.

I refrained from touching the door anymore, fearing what it hides.

The whispers grew louder and louder out of impatience to the point where they became deafening.

This went on for a few hours, until suddenly, the whispers were finally silent, but in that silence, the only thing that could be heard was the despaired teary cries of a familiar voice, a feminine and gentle voice.

I woke up at around nine AM to the sound of Sabrine cooking something on the stove nearby. She noticed me waking up and said: "Good morning, Damien. How are you feeling?"

Me: "Okay, I guess..."

Sabrine: "You want breakfast?"

Me: "Sorry, I don't eat food. Also, what even is that thing you're cooking?"

Sabrine: "Well, it started out as scrambled eggs, but things happened here and there, and now I'm not even sure what it is. But hey, It's made of food, so it's edible."

Me: "You know what else is edible? Junk food, and I'm pretty sure it tends to kill people."

Sabrine: "Oh don't be such a baby, I'm sure it's not that bad."

Me: "Oh yeah? Then I'll be the judge of that."

Sabrine: "Alright, you're on!"

Suddenly, Desmond burst into the room and said: "What the hell are you two doing? It's Nine in the morning, we have shit to do."

Me: "Yeah yeah, give us a minute."

Des: "I'm not exactly certain that Biscuit would like to do that."

Sabrine: "What about her?"

Des: "She wants you two to see her off with me to the airport, So you'll have to hurry up with your food poisoning game."

Sabrine: "Rude."

Me: "He's right, though."

Sabrine: "Shut up."

After eating what has to be the most "meh" breakfast I've ever had, Sabrine grabbed her suitcase and we stepped outside and through the depressingly empty kindergarten and saw Desmond, Biscuit, And Sabrine's grandma waiting for us.

Me: "Good morning everyone, What's the game plan for today?"

Des: "You two will come with us to the airport, and then you will take a train to Paris and hopefully that will be the end of that."

Me: "I sure hope so."

Sabrine: "...Y'know, I still can't believe what happened yesterday. Grandma, are you sure you don't want to go with them? It was already bad that you weren't making much money, but now you're this close to being homeless."

Old lady: "My dear Sabrine, Don't bother yourself with this old woman anymore, you're striving for great things, are you not? So don't look back and keep striding with confidence. Besides, Why do you think I even started that kindergarten in the first place? It was to care for the children first and foremost, even unfortunate souls like my little girl."

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