Tenth Dream: Thanks for the meal

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Day: 25 May 2022

Time: 01:36

I had another dream, I was back on the yellow island where Bargaining resides. I saw her staring blankly at her own reflection in the black waters, so I joined her. She turned her head to me and greeted me in an uncharacteristically down tone: "Hi..."

Me: "Hello. Is something on your mind? You're usually all cheery when I show up."

Bargaining: "Yeah, but... I wanna ask a question..."

Me: "Sure, let's hear it."

Bargaining: "What's it like out there? In the real world, I mean."

Me: "It's pretty awful, honestly. You have to fight big scary monsters everyday and you have to worry about dying."

Bargaining: "But you have friends..."

Me: "Oh? Are you starting to feel lonely?"

Bargaining: "I can always hear you having fun with your friends, laughing and insulting each other... It made me feel lonely. I... wish I had more friends."

Me: "Am I not enough for you anymore, huh?"

Bargaining: "No, it's not that, it's... I feel like... I did nothing here but waste away, stuck on a sandy coast."

Me: "Then... How about I take you outside?"

Bargaining: "HUH?! You can?!"

Me: "No, I can't. Not yet, at least. I'll figure something out. The world out there is full of weirdos with weird powers. I'm sure I'll find someone who can get you out."

Bargaining: "No, don't bother... I'm going to die anyway, so there's no point..."

Me: "I told you to stop saying that! How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not letting Leviathan eat you!"

Bargaining: "..."

I woke up at seven AM sharp, along with my two roommates and their useless lizard. We gathered at the kitchen like usual along with the rest of them and hyped each other up while they ate the breakfast I made for them beforehand. Milo shouted: "What are we going to do?!"

Everyone: "Kill the speed king!"

Milo: "And how are we going to do it?!"

Everyone: "With our masterplan!"

Milo: "And when are we gonna do it?!"

Everyone: "Today!"

Milo: "And who stands in our way?!"

Suddenly, we heard from the corner: "Me." We all turned our heads toward the speaker at the same time and were absolutely shocked to see that it was L'étranger sitting on the counter eating an entire bell pepper from the fridge. We all sprung up from our chairs and braced for combat, L'étranger greeted: "Hey, bitches~! Didn't expect to see me, did you?"

Claire: "Who the fuck is this bitch?!"

Me: "That's L'étranger! The one we talked about!"

L'étranger: "Were you talking to your friends about me, kiddo? Oh, I feel so wooed~! Heh heh heh..."

Milo: "I hope you fuckers had your fun because your day of reckoning has come!"

L'étranger: "Nice rhymes, dude! Feature me on your next one hit single! Speaking of 'single', How's the arm, by the way?"

Ray: "Question."

L'étranger: "Yeah?"

Ray: "What the actual fuck are you doing in my house???"

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