Epilogue Dream: But Still Human

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The girl looked down and told me: "I... don't remember."

I quickly understood that this was another case of an amnesiac child in this orphanage, so I decided not to provoke her any further on that topic. I put aside the bouquet and gently slid my arms under her to pick her up. She pathetically resisted, pleading: "No... Please... Stop... I don't want to... Please..."

I ignored her pleas and carried her in my arms regardless. I stood in front of the door and knocked with my foot. After a short time, my brother Kenji opened the door, greeting: "Welcome, Tiana! It's good to see you after so-"

Without letting him finish talking, I promptly slapped him with the back of my hand across the face as hard as I could, making sure that the ring I was wearing collided with his teeth, and then scolded him: "You have got to be the dumbest, most irresponsible man I have ever laid my eyes on! You left this poor girl outside not only drenched in the rain, but also left her to die from possible infections from all of these injuries! What is actually wrong with you?! Go make use of your worthless life and get me a pack of ice, NOW!"

Kenji: "Agh, fucking hell... It's always the same shit with-"

I then cut him off short with another backhanded slap while yelling: "And how many times did I tell you not to swear in front of the children?! You're leaving a horrible impression on them! Now, get moving!"

Sparing himself another deserved beatdown, He went to fetch the pack while I took her to the infirmary to disinfect her wounds and patch her up. I gently laid her down on the bed and took out the disinfectant, some cotton, and some bandages from a nearby shelf and got to work. I coated the cotton with the disinfectant and told her: "Now, this is going to hurt a little, but it will heal you faster. Be a strong girl for me."

One after another, I disinfected each cut and covered them in bandages. My useless brother finally showed himself and brought the ice I asked for. I took it from him and held it over her bruised eyes and she reacted: "Ow... C-cold..."

Me: "Stay strong, this will also heal your eyes. So, just bear with the pain for a little bit. Everything will be alright."

The girl took a few shaking breaths of endurance and asked me: "Why...? Why are you... so nice to me...? I don't understand..."

Me: "What do you mean? It is only natural to help the ones in need. No one deserves to be treated like trash, no matter who or what they are. We are all humans. In the end, we are different, but still human."

The girl: "R-really...?"

Me: "Yes. I promise you, you are not less than anyone here, or anywhere for that matter. Never forget that."

The girl, shaken by my words, began sobbing and crying. I asked her: "Are you alright, little one? You're crying."

She then unexpectedly embraced me and spoke through her tears: "Thank you... Thank you so much... Please... Please, be my mama! You're the first person who's so nice to me! Please! I want you to love me more! I want you to give me a name! I want you to be my mama!"

Needless to say, I was caught off guard by her forwardness but I was more than happy to oblige: "Alright, if you wish so. I'll do the paperwork and then take you back with me."

She then cried harder and said: "Thank you..."

Me: "Tell me, do you want a name?"

The girl: "Y-yes... More than anything..."

Me: "Alright then. I think I will name you... Rosemary."

Epilogue Chapter:

But Still Human


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