Sixth Dream: Twenty Million

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Day: 28 April 2022

Time: N/A

I had a dream again, but it wasn't mine, it was a completely unfamiliar memory to me, I don't know whose memories these were, but they were as follows;

I was in the point of view of the owner of these memories, I was surrounded by the ruins of a village that had been burned down, all of its inhabitants dead. I was on my knees, too exhausted to move a muscle. A man, obscured by the light of an eclipse, held me by the collar and spoke, his tone was riddled with a mix of anger and grief: "God of gluttony... You lay upon the salt ridden dirt of your ruined land. Castles plundered, sovereignties destroyed, a bloody raid led by rebellion, costing the lives of hundreds upon hundreds of brave soldiers, all sacrificed in vain to end the hellfire that you wished upon your world. Given strength by a beast that consumed the souls of over twenty million of its own wretched kind, all but to strike terror into the hearts of all that opposes it. What say you now, sadistic devil conceived by the bleakest womb, What say you now?!"

The owner of the memory: "... And what will stop me from doing so again? I cannot be killed, even if you manage to kill me... Chaos will flourish regardless of what you will do, you are too late to do anything now but observe, as your precious world sinks into the endless abyss..."

I snapped out of that dream at around two in the evening to the overwhelming sound of a shelf full of glass falling over and shattering everything inside.

I jumped out of the hospital bed in a mix of startlement and panic and looked directly at the source of the noise. The person who caused such a calamitous sound was a very familiar person, and much to my dismay, it wasn't a face I was thrilled to see. It was none other than the bane of my existence, doctor Beth.

"Oh geez! What a mess! Hopefully none of that stuff was expensive, if it is, Alex is gonna take it straight out of my paycheck!"

While she was distracted by the mess she had made, I carefully tried to silently sneak out of the room, however I was instantly spotted by her and slammed back on the bed, she said: "Well well well! Look who just ended up back under my surgical lighting! My favourite patient, Damien!"

Me: "Saying that still doesn't make me trust you."

Beth: "I'm trying, man!"

Me: "Anyways, a bit of a weird question, but uhhh, where am I?"

Beth: "In a hospital."

Me: "Yeah, no shit. Be more specific."

Beth: "In a hospital, in Paris, in France, in Europe, on planet Earth, in the milky way, somewhere in the universe. Is that specific enough for you?"

Me: "Good, I'm still in Paris..."

Beth: "Yeah. I gotta say, that was quite a spectacle you put on these past few days, especially yesterday, all buff and 'bugly' and whatnot,"

Me: "Wait, that was only yesterday?"

Beth: "Yeah, and could you believe how quickly you healed up, seriously, when they picked up your body, you looked like swiss cheese from all the punctures you received but here you are just fine. Truly a testament to how much of a fucked up little creature you are."

Me: "Wait, did they, by any chance, retrieve two other people as well?"

Beth: "Boy, we had to hospitalise hundreds, if not thousands of people from that icicle rain incident, but I know who you're talking about. You're talking about your client, Sabrine Beaufort, and that dude you were fighting, Chauncey, if I remember his name correctly."

Me: "Wait, What dude? I was fighting a woman."

Beth: "No, you were fighting a man in women's clothing, a crossdresser, if you will."

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