Third Dream or so: Time Skip

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Day: 8 April 2022 - 23 April 2022

Time: N/A

(Author's note: This a summary of all of Damien's entries from the eighth to the twenty third of April written by me in his perspective, seeing as these entries were not very relevant to the progression of the tale. Thank you for understanding! -GJ)

During this time, I've taken the job as a bodyguard that Des arranged for me, and it's been nice, peaceful, sometimes a fight will break out and I'd have to resolve it, but since I have my electricity, It wasn't that bad. I even started wearing my "M.I.S.S.I.O.N" arm band. In fact, Alex noted that I've gotten quite professional with this job and that I've been garnering the attention of many potential clients due to my consistent results and cheap prices. I've also been going to the Dojo as I was told, And it turns out that the dojo's mistress, Asta Angevin, was directly affiliated with the organization, so a lot of her students were rookies and newcomers like me.

During my training I've learned a handful of useful tricks I could use, for example: I can make a V sign with my fingers and make a taser, or I can focus extra hard and shoot electric projectiles for long distances like the way Sam does, but I've yet to nail the technique down, so I opted to not use it yet.

And speaking of whom, I've hung out with her a few times on my off-hours. She'd drag me to the arcade and kick my ass at Dance Dance Revolution, but I'll get better at it eventually.

As for Des, we don't talk very often since we rarely see each other, but when we do, It's usually pretty insightful and short, but he also tends to start furious banters over minute, pointless things, like how the red light takes way too long to change to green, and whatnot.

As for Catherine, I think I've gotten a bit more comfortable around her, we would usually talk about miscellaneous things and events and such.

As for Alex and Tony, they were pretty chill, Alex continued being his tired self with slightly fewer life threatening mistakes, and Tony was just playing his guitar like usual, I sometimes wonder why he's even here, for one, I've never seen him do any actual paperwork, I noticed that whenever someone tries to chastise him for his apparent laziness, he'd always reply: "I do my work when you're not looking." which, according to Alex, is true, but I've yet to confirm such a statement. And two, He's a very good guitarist, he could start a band with that much talent, but when I asked him about it he didn't want to answer.

I've also been visiting Beth, much to my dismay, only because I wanted to figure out how and/or why I have "pseudo-regeneration" as she puts it, however, her searches would often come out fruitless. and the visits are still that bad, I mean, she always intrudes on my personal space and asks me sensitive questions, and I generally have a very bad experience with syringes and the general hospital setting and the like.

And on another note, I haven't dreamed once since the seventh, how strange.

Overall, the rest of the month has gone somewhat smoothly, I think.

Aside from all that, Tomorrow, I've got a big day ahead of me. Alex told me that because of the attention I've garnered with my work, my next job is to be the personal bodyguard of a celebrity who's travelling overseas to France, So I'll need to wake up early and go to the airport.


Third Dream or so:

Time skip


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