Third Dream: Loyal Dogs

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Day: 6 April 2022

Time: 21:03

Today, I had another dream, I was on the blue island again.

The blindfolded girl was there, like usual, waiting for me alone.

She started asking questions again, but this time she allowed me to answer however I wanted, our conversation went like this:

The girl: "Do you hate me?"

Me: "I have no reason to."

The girl: "Do you like me?"

Me: "I have no reason to."

The girl: "What am I to you?"

Me: "A fleeting memory."

The girl: "What are you to me?"

Me: "an inescapable fate."

The girl: "Why is the water black?"

Me: "We bled there."

The girl: "Why are the roses blue?"

Me: "We cried here."

The girl: "Do you remember my birth?"

Me: "Clearly."

The girl: "Do you remember your death?"

Me: "Clearly."

The girl: "What do you remember?"

Me: "..."

The girl: "What do you want?"

Me: "..."

The girl: "Who are you?"

Me: "..."

And that is all I could remember from that dream. I didn't feel like I was in control of my speech this time, like everything I said came from my subconscious, a knowledge hidden where I can't see, where I can't understand.

I woke up at 7 am like usual, I slowly walked up to the door, my body felt sore but I managed to walk it off. There was no one in the living room again. I was reminded by this room about what had happened yesterday, so I decided to head back to my room and hide my diary under my bed's mattress. Shortly after doing that, I decided to go to Alex again, and hopefully, he gives me a mission I can actually do this time.

I opened the door and stepped outside, and who I found was none other than Desmond sitting on the stairs in front of the door smoking a cigarette. After I closed the door behind me, I Quietly walked down the stairs and went to grab my bike with the intent to start my second day on the job. Before I hopped on, Desmond called my name and said:

"You're going to Alex's office again, aren't you?"

Me: "Yeah."

Desmond: "Forget about that, you're coming with me."

Me: "...To where?"

Desmond: "To 'Live in Vivo', Let's get us something to drink."

Me: "Isn't that place a bar? It's too early to drink."

Desmond: "Five o'clock was forteen hours ago. Now let's go."

At that point I wanted to decline, but a part of me doesn't want to have to deal with Alex's nonsense again. So I just silently followed him to the bar.

Our walk to the bar was completely silent and neither one of us tried to start a conversation.

On our way, I remembered that both the bar and the casino were partially destroyed a few days ago, but somehow they were repaired in the span of half a day, which is something I forgot to address yesterday.

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