Seventh Dream: New York Paradox

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Day: 1 May 2022

Time: 23:18

I had another dream. It was a breezy summer night, my mother was inside our home, cooking us dinner, while I was out on the field stargazing with aunt Murmur and laying on a large picnic blanket that she set up. I remember that she asked me: "Hey, ********, I want to ask you something."

Me: "Okay, shoot."

Murmur: "What do you want to do when you grow up?"

Me: "Oh... I don't know!"

Murmur: "Really? You don't have a job that you want to do when you grow up?"

Me: "I don't think so."

Murmur: "Isn't there something you really like? Like, what's your favourite thing?"

Me: "I like mama's food!"

Murmur: "Then, do you want to be a chef?"

Me: "What's a chef?"

Murmur: "It's someone that cooks a lot of delicious food and feeds people with it!"

Me: "Just like mama!"

Murmur: "Haha, Yes! Just like Tiana!"

Me: "But I don't know how to cook like mama!"

Murmur: "I'm sure she'll teach you if you ask her. Plus, when you become a chef, come visit me in New York, I'll give you some delicious recipes to try out."

Me: "Umm, Aunty?"

Murmur: "Yes?"

Me: "What's New York?"

I woke up at around seven AM with an anxiety induced stomachache, I shook it off for the time being and prepared for my departure to my next big mission. I stepped out of my room and saw Catherine standing in front of the room Biscuit slept in, with a puzzled look on her face, I approached her and asked her: "Firstly, good morning. Secondly, Why do you have that look on your face?"

Catherine: "Oh, Good morning, Damien. Tell me, do you know why I set up this room? I keep thinking about it but I just keep drawing blanks."

Me: "Yeah... I guess you don't remember her."

Catherine: "Who?"

Me: "Exactly. Point is, no one's living there anymore, so you can do whatever you want with it."

Catherine: "Excuse me, but I feel like you're hiding something from me."

Me: "No I'm not, it's just... A long, irrelevant tale, don't worry about it."

Catherine: "Are you sure? It seems like it's bothering you."

Me: "No no no, I'm just... feeling anxious about my upcoming mission, that's all."

Catherine: "Oh right, you've been relocated to new york, right? When are you leaving, exactly?"

Me: "Some time late today."

Catherine: "Wait, today?! Why wasn't I told about this?! AGH, why am I always out of the loop! Why didn't you tell me yesterday?! I don't have time to pack your things or anything! Do you have a briefcase? Spare clothes? I rarely ever see you wearing different clothes."

Me: "Catherine, stop treating me like a kid, I'm twenty two."

Catherine: "...Wait, you're what?"

Me: "Twenty two, I have an aging problem."

Catherine: "And you're telling me this now?!"

Me: "Why would I? It never came up."

Catherine: "Fair enough. Now, wanna tell me why you're feeling anxious? Maybe I can help?"

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