Ninth Dream: Warhead

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Day: 22 May 2022

Time: N/A

I had another dream, I was back at the yellow island once again.I sat down in front of Bargaining and her nearly finished castle. She greeted me the same way she always had: "Hello!"

Me: "Hi."

Bargaining: "Our castle's almost finished!"

Me: "Yeah, it took long enough."

Bargaining: "Now, let's go!"

Me: "Let's not waste any time."

After that short talk, we got to work. The castle has gone a long way and was now the size of an actual castle, no wonder Bargaining's excited about it. Although it's just a construct in my subconscious, I do feel a bit proud of it, is that weird? Anyhow, during the building process, She asked: "Hey, nameless, Can I tell you something?"

Me: "...Huh? Yeah, sure."

Bargaining: "...Thank you..."

Me: "For what?"

Bargaining: "For... Being nice to me and humoring me all this time."

Me: "To be fair, you haven't bombarded me with riddles and confusing speeches."

Bargaining: "... Did you hate Sorrow?"

Me: "No, I didn't. But I didn't like her either. She kept being indirect about everything, had she just told me that using Leviathan would kill her, I wouldn't have used it."

Bargaining: "And you'd just let Sabrine die?"

Me: "You know about her?"

Bargaining: "Yeah! You think about her a lot! So, you're saying you'd rather sa... Sa... Ummm."

Me: "Sacrifice?"

Bargaining: "Yeah! You'd rather sacrifice a real girl over a fake girl?"

Me: "That's not what I'm saying."

Bargaining: "That's what you're saying!"

Me: "No, it's not!"

Bargaining: "Yes, it is!"

Me: "I wouldn't do that! If I had known about that I would've... Thought of a solution."

Bargaining: "Can you think of a solution now?"

Me: "...No..."

Bargaining: "See?! You didn't have a choice! One of them had to die and you chose the right one!"

Me: "I made the right choice that day?"

Bargaining: "Yeah! You shouldn't worry about us islanders! You should use us to survive out there!"

Me: "But... If I use Leviathan again, wouldn't that... Kill you?"

Bargaining: "It will! But I don't mind! I'm happy that I had someone like you to build a castle with before I die!"

Me: "Why are you saying that so surely? Like you know you'll die?"

Bargaining: "Because I know! It's our fate! I don't want to fight it like Sorrow did! Fighting makes me sad! You're going to use the Leviathan in the future and when you do, Don't cry about me!"

Me: "Bargaining, you're talking nonsense! I'm not using his powers!"

Bargaining: "Don't fight it, Nameless! It's just how things happen! There's no point in running away from the... in... inev... Umm..."

Me: "Inevitable?"

Bargaining: "Yeah!"

Me: "Didn't I tell you to stop saying things like that?"

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