Eleventh Dream: Brothers and Sisters

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Day: 26 May 2022

Time: N/A

I couldn't get a wink of sleep last night. At around three AM, I finally got up from L'étranger's bed and sat by the balcony. It had a very atmospheric view of the city which was in the middle of repairs, like always. I felt nothing during that night but unease. I desperately needed someone to talk to. I took out my phone and dialed Catherine's number. She picked up after a few moments and asked tiredly: "Hello... This is the gun mechanic of the, yawn, hitman regime... Who the hell rings at this hour?"

Me: "Hey, Catherine. It's me, Damien."

Catherine: "Oh, it's been such a long time since we last talked, Ash-bun! How've you been?"

Me: "I'm doing awful..."

Catherine: "Are you alright, dear? Do you want to talk about it?"

Me: "Yes... That's why I called."

Catherine: "Alright, tell me about it from the bottom."

I then spent the next hour telling her about every event that transpired during my stay here and venting to her about the many things troubling me. When I finished, she asked: "Is that everything, dear?"

Me: "Yeah..."

Catherine: "Wow. Just...Wow, that's a lot to take in. Why haven't you called me sooner?"

Me: "I went through a lot and that didn't cross my mind. I'm sorry."

Catherine: "Don't apologise. Now that you've got that out of your system, do you feel any better?"

Me: "Not really... I still feel incredibly uneasy."

Catherine: "Is it because you're blaming yourself?"

Me: "...Yeah..."

Catherine: "Damien, it wasn't your fault. Not even slightly!"

Me: "How can you be so sure?! I saw them both die right in front of me."

Catherine: "Listen to me, you're a good kid. You've got a good heart in your chest and a good head on your shoulders. Don't blame yourself for their passing. Would they have wanted such a burden to be on your shoulders?"

Me: "No... Despite everything, they were good people until the very end... Unlike me..."

Catherine: "Don't say that about yourself! You know you're better than that! Why do you think they were your friends in the first place? Because you were a good friend to them and they saw that goodness with clear eyes! Please, if you want to honour their memories, then never let them be the cause of your suffering, they're up in heaven, still cheering you on until the very end!"

Me: "...You're right, Catherine... Thank you..."

Catherine: "I'll always be available if you need to talk."

Me: "Can I tell you one more thing?"

Catherine: "Of course."

Me: "I'm... thinking of ending things."

Catherine: "I'm not sure what you mean."

Me: "I think I want to resign... I can't do this anymore... I'm so tired..."

Catherine: "It's alright, if that's the choice you're comfortable with, no one will stop you. Maybe when Sabrine recovers, you two can live somewhere where there's low corruption rates, like San Francisco."

Me: "I was thinking of somewhere like the countryside."

Catherine: "That works, too. Tell me, are you feeling any better?"

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