Chapter 3 - "Francis-!" [SMUT]

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Francis looked into Arthur's eyes, the difference in their height was undeniable. Arthur looked up at the taller man and took note of his baby-blue eyes just as Francis took note of Arthur's forest-green eyes. Francis could tell that Arthur was still distressed, and so he reassured the Englishman, "You're safe with me, I promise that.".

"How can I be sure of that?"

"You seemed pretty sure about it yesterday."

"Shut your weird, attractive face."

"Aww, Angleterre, you've taken a liking to me, have you?"

"I hate you, Francis."

"I love you, Arthur."


Before Arthur had an opportunity to respond, Francis had already pressed their lips together and was holding Arthur's waist. Arthur placed his arms around Francis' neck and was kissing him back. The kissing started off as quite violent, but it grew softer the longer it went on, and by the time they had stopped, I think that the inside of their mouths was covered in more of each other's saliva than the original owner possessed of their own in the first place.

For Francis, time had stopped, this is what he wanted, this is all he ever wanted, what he dreamed of! He just wanted to be alone with Arthur in a situation where he didn't need to hide his emotions toward the man from everyone in the world. At this point, Francis couldn't care less about the consequences of his actions.

He looked at Arthur, the Englishman was a pink colour that would put drag queens to shame, but at least he wasn't crying anymore. If he was completely honest, Francis thought that Arthur blushing was adorable. He leaned in close to Arthur and said in a soft voice, "I've forgotten what happened yesterday? Could you please remind me?". Arthur scoffed.

"You really are a forgetful frog, aren't you?" Arthur replied in a teasing manner.

"Oh, yes, I am very, very forgetful, please remind me." Francis replied playfully.

"Well, it all started when I teased you, and for some bizarre reason, you decided that you were going to shove your hand down my trousers!"

"Like this?", Francis slid his hands down the Kirkland's trousers and wrapped his long, soft fingers around his penis.

Arthur inhaled sharply.

"Yes! Exactly like that."

"And then?" Francis new full-well what happened next, but just wanted to tease Arthur at this point.

"Then... You started m-!" Arthur's speech quickly became a moan of pleasure after Francis began to stroke Arthur's cock as if he was gently washing his hands with Arthur's private area.

"Oh my god, you didn't even let me finish speaking!" Arthur exclaimed, trying to hide his enjoyment of Francis' work.

"And then what? What happened after that?"

"I-I tackled you o-onto the ground."

"Well, I can't do that, can I?"

"I s-suppose not but I-I can't do it r-right now!!!"

"Surely you can."

Arthur stood there, both hands holding onto Francis' shirt for support.

"F-Froggiee, s-stoppp!!!"

"Okay fine."

Francis was still firmly gripping Arthur's penis, but he had stopped caressing it. Arthur overpowered Francis and successfully pushed him down onto the carpet.

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