Chapter 7 - The Corridor

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Francis was grasping Arthur's arm, he suddenly stopped and let go of it. He placed one hand on Arthur's cheek and the other was pulling Arthur's collar closer to his. The brit new exactly what Francis was attempting.

"No, no, no, don't you dare pull that one on me, frog."

"Aww, but you see, I want to, Arthur! Why must you always spoil my fun?"

At this point, their bodies were so close together, Francis could feel Arthur's warmth and smell his aroma of warm tea and refreshing raindrops on a cold winter's night. He could feel Arthur's heart beat more rapidly with every passing moment of a building suspense between the two men. He starred into Arthur's grass green eye, his eyes displayed curiosity, Francis wondered why curiosity and not worry or fear. He looked at Arthur's undeniably smooth, dreamy lips and had the uncontrollable urge to kiss him right there, outside of a meeting room, where anyone could come out of at any moment.

"Arthur, we should go somewhere else." Francis suggested.

"No, nothing is going to happen, right? So, there's no need to move." Arthur responded.

"Well, just in case something does happen, you wouldn't want anyone to come out of the meeting and see it, would you?" Francis reasoned.

"What are you planning Francis? Is it one of those horrible, perverted, kinky fantasies that you've graphically illustrated in this book of yours?" Arthur queried.

"If you hate them so much, why are you refusing to give them back?" Francis jabbed.

"I- You shut that hot face of yours!" Uh oh, Arthur didn't think before he spoke.

"But- wait, my what-!"

Arthur grabbed Francis and pressed their lips together. For one blissful moment, the two looked at each other, they were so close together that their tension could be felt through the whole corridor.

"Y'know, frog boy, you can always chain me up if you want to."

"Oh my, you really can be a naughty boy sometimes, Grouch."

"Wow, you haven't called me that for a while, Frenchie."

"What can I say, I-"

A new voice rang through the hallway, "What are you doing!?"

The two quickly detached from one another and Francis spun around to face the source of the voice. Shit. It was Antonio. The three men stood silently in place before Arthur suddenly spoke, "Antonio! Wait- I- Francis tried to assault me!". Francis could not believe his ears, what a lie that was! He hadn't assaulted Arthur at all!

"I'm not surprised." Antonio sighed.

"What- Arthur! You liar!" Francis suddenly felt very angry toward his nemesis, why would he lie like that?

"I did no such thing as lie! I think you'll find that Francis Bonnefoy is the only liar in this hallway at the moment." Arthur was speaking in a smartarse tone, Francis always found that voice really hot. It was weird, even to him, but being talked down to turned Francis on quite a bit.

"Oh, you never lie, what about when you-" The tall, blonde man's sentence was interrupted.

"Arthur! Francis! Care to explain what is going on!?" Ludwig had suddenly emerged from the meeting room and was now part of the conversation.

"Francis was assaulting Arthur." The Spaniard explained.

"What!? That's it! Both of you, go home! You two need to learn how to keep it in your pants!" The strong German had given him a command, so Francis nodded profusely and walked as fast as he could out of the building. Both Arthur and his flats were in the same direction from the building, so the two walked beside each other in silence down the city street until Francis noticed a cold droplet of rain hit his head.

"Parfait, juste parfait." Murmured the man as he desperately avoided paying any attention to Arthur's footsteps and frantic Gaelic murmuring behind him. The rain grew heavier, along with Francis' desire to turn around and confront that idiotic Englishman about his offensive lies and his stupid face and his stubborn attitude that made Francis so annoyed.

Unfortunately for Francis, he had now reached a crossing and had to wait to cross the road. Arthur stood next to him. Standing there in silence, in the empty street, both of them absolutely soaked, an undeniable amount of tension began to build up between the two again. In his own stupidity, Francis made the mistake of glancing at Arthur for a slight moment, setting him off.

"What are you looking at, Frog?" Arthur was mad at Francis, that much was clear.

"Why are you always so difficult?" Asked Francis in response to Arthur's unnecessary aggression.

"Because I despise you, you idiot." Even though Arthur was his rival, this hurt Francis to hear.

"Why do you hate me so much, Arthur!? You are so rude to me! Are you ever kind to anyone!? Or are you truly nothing more than a heartless villain!?" Francis had clearly failed to filter his words, he had maybe gone a bit too far with his insults.

Nothing more was said after that. The two rivals simply stood at the crossing as the rain continued to bucket all around them.

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