Chapter 17 - Write It Down!

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"I- I- I- NO! I can't be GAY!"

"You say it like it's some sort of disease!"

"It is! Wait- No! I mean- It's not! I-"

"Please. Stop. Talking."

Francis got up from his seat, ignoring Arthur as he hastily left the living room, entering his bedroom instead. He closed the door behind him and sat on the end of his bed, shocked. Did Arthur seriously think that to be gay was some sort of illness? But Arthur was literally gay! He was his boyfriend! How did he feel so negatively about being homosexual?

Thinking about it made Francis feel sick, but he couldn't sleep, not after everything that was going on. He sighed in frustration as he questioned everything he knew about Arthur. How did Arthur feel about Francis being Pansexual? Was he an alien to Arthur because he felt attraction to people regardless of their identity!?

Thoughts were racing through his head as he felt a tear roll down his face.

Hein? Am I crying? Why am I crying?

He didn't know why he was suddenly in tears, but he chose to not question it, feeling only frustration and self-loathing. How could Arthur say that? How could he do that? What was going on? What was inside of Arthur's head?

The distressed, tall man laid down on his bed, and as he did, he heard a knock on his bedroom door.

"Francis! Are you okay!? I didn't mean it! I'm sorry!"

As the voice cried out for him from the other side of the door, Francis just laid there, on his bed, tuning it out. He didn't want to look at his "boyfriend" if he could even call him that anymore.

"Francis! Please! I'm so sorry! I really am! Please!"

That voice was crying, Arthur was upset. As much as it pained Francis to leave Arthur like that as he begged helplessly outside of his door, he couldn't bring himself to look at him. Francis began to reflect for the first time in a long time, he thought about why he was doing this.

Why is everything so difficult for me constantly?

Why can't everything be easy?

I just want to be happy.

While these thoughts screamed inside of Francis' mind, Arthur was still pleading on the other side of his door. It was unbearable.

"Please! Please! Please!"

Go away.

"Look, I'm really sorry!"

Stop talking.

"I didn't mean it! I just don't know what to think right now! I feel so overwhelmed, and I need some help! Please!"

Leave me alone.

"It's just that I think that maybe I am gay, and if I am, that's scary to me! If I'm gay, what will the others think!? And the women I've dated... have I just been lying to them!? Am I in the wrong!? Please! Francis, please!"

I... he sounds... genuine...

Francis got up from his bed and opened his door. As soon as Arthur saw him, he hugged Francis. They both cried as they held each other in a warm embrace.

"Francis! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry-!"

In an attempt to calm his crying boyfriend, Francis kissed Arthur gently, shushing him.

"It's okay, it's okay! I promise you; we will be okay!"

"I'm sorry! I love you! I'm sorry!"

"I love you too! Stop apologising!"

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