Chapter 9 - "You are my slave" [SMUT]

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You're just a little pervert yourself, aren't you, Artie?"

"Why are you calling me Artie, that's what Feliciano calls me."

Francis got close to Arthur and looked down at the shorter, blonde, stubborn, man. "And why can't I call you that too, freaky?"

"I beg your pardon, I am not freaky! I have normal tastes!" It was clear in his voice that Arthur was enjoying this very much. Francis enjoyed taunting Arthur, it really turned him on to see him fail so horribly at hiding his enjoyment.

"Remind me again of what you said yesterday, something about 'you can chain me up if you want to' or something line that? Could you just correct me on that?" Francis took great pleasure in teasing the poor man.

"Bloody hell, why do you have to be so hot all the time? It really is very distracting at times, you know." Arthur had said something that caught Francis very off guard, but he managed to keep his cool.

"Oh my, you really are a kinky little pervert!" Francis was taken by surprise at Arthur's sudden, sexual behaviour.

Arthur had an excited look in his eyes as he said, "isn't lust one of the seven deadly sins?" he asked.

"Yes, it is, and you've been especially sinful, you naughty sinner." Francis teased him. He lifted his hand up to Arthur's head and began to play with his hair in a flirtatious manner.

"What are you going to do about it?" Arthur whispered suggestively into Francis' ear.

For once in his life, Francis felt sexually confused, he wasn't sure what was happening. He wasn't sure what was going to happen next, but that excited him even more. It felt like he was exploring new terrain, enticed further by Arthur's freakish behaviour. This side of Arthur was one which Francis had never seen before; it was new, interesting.

"Oi Froggie, did you not hear me?" This side of Arthur was somehow even more impatient than the one Francis was used to.

"Oh, I heard you alright, and I will tell you what I am going to do about it." Francis was really getting into this spicier version of his enemy.

"Don't tell me, show me."

Before Francis could do anything, Arthur had already begun softly kissing him. Francis kissed him back and after only a few seconds, it had evolved into full-on making out with each other. Francis pinned Arthur against a wall and continued his aggressive kissing. After a minute or two, Francis pulled away from Arthur and looked him in his shining, green eyes.

"What do you want me to show you now?" Francis asked in a seductive voice.

"Why is it up to me? Do anything you desire, Francie." Francis was a bit surprised by this response, this was a sentence he never thought he would hear from Arthur in this context.

Francis pushed their bodies even closer together. He could feel Arthur's heartbeat against his own as they gazed into each other's eyes just before Francis proceeded. He started unbuttoning Arthur's pyjama top but suddenly stopped.

"Froggie? Is everything alright?" Arthur asked, confused by Francis suddenly hesitating.

"Yes, I am just thinking. Is this a good idea?" Now he was questioning whether or not he should proceed. After all, was it a good idea? As much as he would love to fuck Arthur mercilessly, was this just going to become a pattern? Would he just have to put up with Arthur's rudeness in public? He felt as if he knew two different Arthurs!

"Not that I care, but what's bothering you?" It was obvious that Arthur was just annoyed at this point.

"Why was Antonio here?" Francis wanted an answer. What if Antonio had done something, he did have an erection when he answered the door. That couldn't have been a coincidence, right?

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