Chapter 4 - The Wardrobe

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"Artie! Are you ok? I haven't seen you outside for a while!" Feliciano' Italian accent called from outside of the door. Arthur couldn't respond, his voice was still shaking violently and wasn't as if Francis could answer the door either.

The two silently argued through elaborate hand gestures until Feliciano spoke again, "Artie!? We are worried about you!".

"Hermano, he might be out somewhere." Said Antonio's calmer voice.

"No! Artie wouldn't leave his house after yesterday! Luddy basically suffocated him in mean interrogating!" Argued Feliciano to his brother.

"I-I'll be there in a minute!" Called Arthur to the two brothers, his voice still shaking. Francis gave Arthur a look to express "What are you doing!?". Arthur stood up with a sharp sound of pain and pointed Francis to hide in his bedroom. Francis jumped up, gathered his clothes, and ran into the room with Arthur. Once in the room, the two frantically threw some clothes on and Arthur ran out to meet Antonio and Feliciano at his door, still very erect and in pain from before.

He opened the door to the two brothers, who had extremely concerned looks on their faces as they asked permission to enter the flat. Arthur knew that his answer to this question was irrelevant, so he simply accepted the request and walked with them into his living room.

Feliciano was a bit intrusive, most likely not on purpose, it was just how he was. He was always insisted on getting involved in other people's business he was always very loud about. He clearly spotted Arthur's boner because he cried out "Artie! You are very hard!". Antonio's head snapped to Arthur's direction as Arthur turned a bright shade of red and changed the subject.

"Who would like a cup of tea?" Arthur asked, insistent on changing the subject.

"Could I have some coffee please?" Antonio asked politely.

"Oh! Me too please Artie!" Feliciano added.

"Very well. Take a seat!" Arthur replied before hobbling into the kitchen due to the agonising pain in this backside. He made two cups of coffee and one cup of tea for himself as he heard the two brothers speaking in loud Spanish and Italian to each other. They were different languages, but they both grew up close together and learned each other's languages as they grew up.

Arthur finished making their coffees and tea. He walked into the living room and placed them on the coffee table that the brothers were sitting on, and that himself and Francis had been sitting on just earlier.

"Artie, why does this chair smell of nutmeg?" Feliciano inquired to the Englishman as he placed the warm beverages on the table.

"I-I don't know!" Artur replied nervously.

"Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing, it reminds me of Fran-" Antonio was cut off by the flustered Englishman who suddenly asked loudly, "So why are you two here?".

"We are here because we are worried about you, Artie!" Feliciano cried out loudly. "You haven't contacted anyone or gone outside since yesterday's meeting!".

Arthur fell silent again. His penis had finally stopped being erect, which was a huge relief; his voice had stopped shaking as much.

Antonio chimed in, "Yeah, everyone is worried about you, Arthur."

Arthur felt a great guilt in his chest. He couldn't go outside after everything that had happened; it was too shameful.

Antonio continued, "Have you even spoken to Francis after yesterday?"

"No! And I plan to keep it that way!" Arthur responded, flustered at Francis' name.

"Oh, come on, Artie! You should talk to him! Sit down, let's talk!" Feliciano told Arthur in a surprisingly serious voice.

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