Chapter 12 - I YOU LOVE YES

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Sitting next to his love on the couch, as Arthur curled up in a warm blanket made Francis happy. He was sick of constantly waring with the English, suppressing his hidden feelings for Arthur Kirkland. It was clear that Arthur wanted, no, he needed some support from someone. Francis had failed to notice until now, but Arthur was always stereotyped by others very much like his country was, cold, depressing, serious, and formal. Of course, this was a lie, Arthur was just sad, he never had any chances to vent about his feelings, always just assumed to be okay by others.

Francis could only imagine what the man next to him had been bottling up inside of himself. It made him upset to know how Arthur felt. However, his train of thought was suddenly disturbed by Arthur telling him something which he wished to be a lie.

"Hey, Froggy, I heard you and Feliciano's conversation earlier today." He informed. This means that he had overheard Feliciano saying that Francis was clearly in love with Arthur, and Francis admitting that he was unsure of his own feelings. How could Francis respond to this? He didn't know what to say, he was utterly lost for words in this scenario.

"Francis, be honest, how do you feel about me?" Questioned Arthur. Okay, now Francis was somehow even more lost for words. He couldn't think straight or gay, he couldn't think at all! Loving Arthur was so complicated, and his response could have disastrous consequences! Francis simply sat there, fidgeting, trying to speak, but failing. Finally, he regained some sort of voice.

"Yes! I- well, you very is yes!" I swear to God, Francis gets dumber by the minute, because now he was failing basic English miserably, and clearly Arthur was very confused.

Arthur sat up and comforted his companion. "What? Francis, look, it's okay, I-"

"I YOU LOVE YES!" A panicked Francis' broken English had once again became the bane of his existence. Seeing the confused, concerned, and startled look on Arthur's face, he chose to repeat himself in words more familiar to him.

"Je t'aime!" He repeated in his mother tongue, Arthur laughed faintly, which made Francis slightly anxious to hear the response. What if he has just made a horrible mistake? What if Arthur didn't feel the same way? What if he had just confessed his love for no reason?

Suddenly, his nerves were calmed instantly as Arthur stammered, "I love you too!" Despite his voice being shaky, Francis could tell it was honest. He was relieved as Arthur suddenly kissed him gently, his soft lips provided Francis with a feeling of immense safety. Then, Arthur hugged him tightly. As they held each other closely, Francis could once again feel Arthur's heart as it beat furiously against his own. It was sweet, and warm, romantic. Francis gave Arthur a lovely little kiss on the head before asking, "Are you okay?"

Arthur was silent for a moment before responding, "Is anyone really okay?" His depressing tone concerned Francis.

"What do you mean?" Inquired Francis once again confused.

"Well, the world is shit."

"How so? What's wrong?"

"Why can't I be happy, Francis?"

"What would make you happy, Arthur?"

"Being with you would make me happy, but that's impossible."


"Because if we're together, what will the others say?"

"Does it matter? How is that your problem?"

"Because if they were to ever find out, they would explode!"

"And? Mon amour, you deserve to be happy."

"Yes, but I don't want to cause trouble!"

"Why do they have to know?"

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