Chapter 5 - An English Breakfast

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"Stop being silly, of course you hate me! You have to!" Arthur sounded as if he was pleading. "Please! Please just hate me! I want things to go back to normal!"

Francis' heart sank as he held the desperate, crying man in his arms. He didn't know what to do. He didn't hate Arthur, no matter how much they fought, or how many times they hurt each other, that wasn't going to change. The two men were just as stubborn as each other.

"Arthur, I'm sorry, but things can't go back to normal after what we just did." Francis somehow felt bad for not hating him but hating him after this would feel unnatural.

"Please, please, I beg of you! I hate how I feel about you! I want to push it back into the back of my brain and never think about this again! Are you really too idiotic to see that!?" Arthur yelled and yelled, but none of his words made Francis waver in his decisions, as I said, he's set in his ways.

"Arthur, please stop." The tall, blonde man's voice began to sound unsteady, as if Arthur was hurting him.

Arthur was silent, he just stood there and cried and begged quietly. Francis wasn't sure what to do, so he said something.

"I love how you refuse to acknowledge your emotions."

Arthur stopped crying and looked at Francis, they two made eye contact.

"I know how to acknowledge my emotions", said Arthur, his voice unstable and somewhat angry. Francis replied, "Sure you do" and then Arthur looked at Francis' soft lips, then back at his sapphire blue eyes, and softly kissed him before telling him "Get out." In a stern voice.

"You are kind of sending mixed messages" stated Francis, confused by the Englishman's gesture.

He just starred at Francis with a look of such immense distaste, it made Francis shiver, however when Francis went to actually leave, Arthur grabbed the lean man and pulled him back into a hug. Francis was perplexed, what did Arthur want? For him to stay or go?

"A-Arthur, do you want me to go or not?" Asked Francis, seeking an answer to fix his confusion.

"I want you to get out but stay here." Arthur replied.

"That is not possible." Francis reasoned; he still had no idea what Arthur wanted.

"You can stay here if you really want to, I suppose." Arthur said, not wanting to have to ask his worst "enemy" to stay.

"Of course, I will, I'll stay for as long as you need me to." This made Arthur blush, which gave Francis great joy.

The two stood there, in Arthur's living room, holding onto each other for hours until the clock hit 10pm and Francis said that he should probably head back to his own flat. Arthur said nothing, simply stood there. Francis came to the conclusion that the poor man was most likely exhausted after everything that day. He decided to pick up a half-asleep Arthur and place his onto his bed. Francis pulled the sheets over him and went to leave but felt something tug at his shirt. He turned his head, and saw a semi-conscious Arthur pulling his shirt, not wanting him to leave. Francis heard Arthur mumble the words "Please, don't go" and after that, simply couldn't bring himself to leave the man alone.

Francis decided to sit right next to Arthur's bed, on the carpet, holding onto Arthur's hand as they both fell asleep.


The two of them woke the next morning to the bleating sound of Arthur's alarm at five o'clock in the morning. Francis looked beside him and noticed that he was still next to Arthur. So, the whole thing hadn't just been one of his perverted dreams!? He couldn't believe it! That actually happened? The two of them had actually- "F... Francis!? What on earth are you doing in my flat you pervert!?" Arthur's tired yet shocked voice rudely interrupted Francis' train of thought. How could he respond to this? He was also still only semi-conscious! "W... well!? Have you nothing to say for yourself?" Arthur's tired voice was attempting to be mad, but Francis only found it cute. "Please be quiet, Arthur." Francis replied, he just wanted Arthur to let him comprehend the situation.

Arthur scoffed and got out of bed, purposefully throwing his bedsheets over the other man's head. "Hey!" Francis cried out in protest while frantically wrestling the sheets off of him. Arthur threw him a dirty look before walking into his bathroom and slamming the door behind him. He emerged a few minutes later and ignoring his rival, pulled some clothes out of his wardrobe. Francis starred at Arthur, trying desperately to process what had happened the previous day.

Standing up, Arthur still took no notice of him, nor did he as Francis walked out of the bedroom, through the living room, and into the kitchen with the intent to make Arthur some breakfast. Looking in the fridge, Francis found some eggs, bacon, and some beans. He decided to make Arthur eggs and bacon with beans on toast, despite how much of a culinary disgrace the English dish was.

Francis finished cooking Arthur's meal, made some tea to go with it, and placed in on the dining table. When Arthur was done getting ready and came into the living room from his bedroom, Francis greeted him with a very cheery "Bonjour!". Arthur ignored him.

It seemed to Francis that Arthur was simply ignoring everything that indicated the man's presence. He attempted to walk into the kitchen, but Francis stopped him, "I already made you food, it is on the table." Arthur, still not talking to Francis, stepped away and sat down at his dining table. "Do I not get a thank you? Or even an invitation to eat my own food?" Arthur still refused to speak, simply gesturing to the chair opposite him in a very annoyed manner. Francis sat down.

The two of them ate in silence until Francis changed that. "Do you like your breakfast?" he asked.

"I suppose it's not the worst thing I've ever eaten." Arthur answered, still annoyed.

"Wow, feeling extra kind this morning, are we?" Francis teased sarcastically.

Arthur simply chucked. He finished off his food before Francis and took his plate and cup to the sink. Francis finished soon after Arthur, who collected his plate and cup; also taking them to the sink. While he washed the dishes, Arthur was still silent. His nemesis wasn't sure what to make of this, whether the short, blonde brit was angry, ashamed, tired, or all three was a mystery.

Francis checked his phone and realised that the two of them had a second meeting later that day at 9am. As he looked at the time, he realised that it actually wasn't that much later, as it was already close to 8am. Panicked, he called out to Arthur in the kitchen but received only a sigh. He called out again only to get an angry "What!" as a response. "I know this may sound extremely weird and you are definitely going to judge me for this, but can I please borrow some clothes of yours?".

The Englishman's face turned a bright pigment of red as he quickly looked up from his dishes, shut off the tap, and glared at Francis.

"Why would you ask me that!?"

"Because I need clothes for the meeting today!"

"Get your own clothes!"

"I can't, my apartment is too far away and there isn't enough time!"

"Why should I let you filthen my clothes with your froggy slime?"

"Please! I beg of you!"


"Please, Arthur..."


Francis got ready, finding some clothes in Arthur's wardrobe that suited him to some degree. Although Arthur and him had extremely different styles of dressing, he managed to find something that he felt remotely resembled his own style. A pair of navy-blue trousers paired with a white button-up that he had unbuttoned slightly at the top, a dark blue jumper which fit surprisingly well, and a black coat for the snow outside. When Francis stepped out into the museum-like living room, Arthur looked up at him and his expression became disgusted.

"What? Do you not like my outfit?" Francis asked in a jokingly offended manner.

"No. Why have you done this to my clothes?" Arthur clearly hated the fact that his most distained rival was wearing his clothes.

"Rude." Francis commented.

"Come on, it's 8. We all know how Ludwig gets if we're not at least half an hour early!" Arthur just wanted this to be over; Francis wanted the opposite.

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