Chapter 15 - "IS THAT A GUN!?" [SMUT]

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"What do you feel like?"


"What on earth is that supposed to mean?"

Francis held Arthur down and began kissing his neck. Arthur pulled on Francis' shirt, obviously shocked.

"Francis! What are you doing!?"

"Just shut up!"

"What- ow! That hurts!"

Arthur expressed his discomfort as Francis nibbled his neck. Despite this, Francis didn't stop. He found Arthur's discomfort to be a turn on for him, only encouraging his sadistic desires.

Arthur pulled on Francis' creased shirt tightly.

"Why are you pulling on me so hard?"

"Because it hurts!"

"I can stop if you'd like me to."

"No, keep going."

"Wow, you kinky bastard!"

"You're hardly one to talk, not with those drawings of yours."

"You like them."

"You drew them."

Francis roughly kissed Arthur, threateningly grabbing him and holding him down onto the couch. Hearing the slight cry of fear given by Arthur as he was being held down so forcefully is what really got Francis going. He could feel Arthur's heart pounding in him as he thought to himself, that won't be the only thing pounding inside of him soon.

Their combined body heat made it feel like the two were surrounded by radiators, not that Francis would notice the radiators. The only thing that Francis was noticing at that moment was his horny boyfriend, who was nearly as horny as him. It was as if time had completely stopped, as if nothing mattered other than Arthur, it was an amazing feeling.

When their lips parted, Francis spoke, "Hey, mon amour, how are you feeling?"

"A bit scared, if I'm being perfectly honest." Responded Arthur, his voice seemed slightly scared but also, it held a quality of sexual excitement.

"Perfect." Replied Francis, seductively.

"Oh my, you sadist!" Teased Arthur, staring deep into Francis' eyes with a suggestive gaze.

"When you say these things, you only fuel me, Kirkland." Francis told Arthur, a playful tone ringing through his words.

Arthur laughed gently, "Why do you think I say them?"

A shock of immense lust overcame Francis as he took off Arthur's velvet jumper and unbuttoned his black shirt. He gripped Arthur's white tie, which was now loose, and pushed him aggressively up against the couch's soft, fabric arm.

"I sometimes forget how misleading your demeanour is. You always act so sophisticated, so superior in comparison to the rest of us, but you're masochist. I bet you own a secret collection of scandalous magazines and books, don't you?"

"Whatever could you mean, my good man?"

"Oh, don't play dumb. I bet they only include men, too, the ladies just don't do it for you, do they? You probably own toys, don't you?"

"Are you implying that my tastes are in men, Froggy?"

"Well, seeming as we've slept together twice in the last week, and that I've never known you to be involved with a woman like that, yes."

"Excuse me? I've slept with women before!"

"And how did it feel?"

"I- what kind of question is that!?"

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