Chapter 14 - Don't Leave Me

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Feeling something, Francis woke up only soon after he had fallen asleep. Something was holding into him, and it was shivering and crying, as if scared for some reason. Clearly not having noticed Francis being awake, the thing did not stop no matter what, but it was warm. Francis soon realised, listening to its whimpering, that the thing attached to him was actually none other than Arthur Kirkland.


No response.

"Arthur, are you alright?"

Still nothing.

"Mon amour, why are you crying?"

Finally, something!

"R-really? After what I did? I don't deserve you calling me your love."

"What? Of course you do!"

"B-but I hurt you! I lost it! I'm so sorry!"

"It's alright, don't worry!"

"But I feel horrible! I love you! I'm sorry!"

"I love you too, mon amour, but I'm fine!"

Arthur hugged Francis tighter.

"I'm so glad you're okay! I was so worried!"

"You were?"


"Are you okay, Arthur?"

"I'm fine! As long as you're okay, I am too!"

"That's sweet."

"Hey, Francis, does your stomach still hurt?"

"No, why?"

"Good, why don't we get out of here?"

"Sure, but where do you plan on going?"

"I'm not sure, but I say we go exploring!"

"Like old times?"

"More or less, except, we're not rivals anymore."

"Let's go."

The two men climbed through the room's window and climbed outside. Arthur grabbed Francis hand and started leading him somewhere, Francis didn't know where. He got the odd feeling that something was awfully off with Arthur, something had happened that he wasn't telling Francis about. Everything seemed off.

As Francis was being quickly led through the city streets by Arthur, he asked where they were going.

"I'm not entirely sure! But wherever it is, it's away from here!"

"What do you mean, what's wrong, Arthur?


Francis broke his arm from Arthur's grip and stood in place, refusing to continue. He wanted to know exactly what was going on.

Arthur grew frustrated, he was clearly highly distressed as he turned stopped to question why Francis wasn't walking.

"What is happening, Arthur?" Asked Francis, confusion overwhelming him.

"Don't worry, just keep walking. Don't stop." Arthur commanded.

"Arthur, what is going on!? Talk to me!"

"Nothing! But we're getting out of here!"

"Where are we going!?"

"We're going to the train station!"

"What for?"

"I'm leaving this place!"

"What? Why!?"

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