Part 19 (FINALE) - Cafes And Truths

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Finally, Francis and Arthur were alone, standing around the mounds of snow surrounding them. Arthur gripped Francis' wrist firmly, preventing him from leaving. The two once again found themselves engaged in intimate eye contact for the millionth time.

"Arthur, just-"

"I'm sorry!" Blurted Arthur, shocking Francis with his apology.

"Arthur, what?"

"I- I just- I..."

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything."

"No! Yes, I do! I'm sorry! I love you! I love you! I bloody love you, you stupid idiot! I just- I hate hiding everything from the others!"

"I love you too! Why don't we just tell them?" Francis hated hiding their relationship too. It hurt to not be able to be himself in front of the others, and he loathed keeping secrets.

Arthur paused to think for a moment before responding, "I don't know!"

"Well, have you figured out your sexuality things yet?" Asked Francis.

"I... I'm gay! There! I said it! Francis, I'm gay! I'm gay and I love you!"

"I love you too! And I am so proud of you!" This was no lie, Francis was so happy, he pulled Arthur into a tight hug, which Arthur returned enthusiastically. "So, we are going to tell them that we are together?" he asked.

"Ok! What's there to lose? Let's tell them!"



"Hey, Francis?"


Arthur suddenly pulled Francis' shirt and kissed him. Francis felt that same entrancing feeling from earlier rush through him faster than a racecar down a Formula 1 track. It felt like a breeze of pure joy was rushing past him.

"Hey, Arthur?"


Francis then returned the favour, this time it was him kissing Arthur, but with a bit more intimacy than Arthur had. Seeming surprised, the flustered Englishman joked, "Woah! Easy there, dearest! We are in a park, remember?"

"Ha, yeah, I just couldn't help myself." Flirted Francis, unbelievably giddy. He was so happy; everyone was finally going to know! No more of this torturous charade which he had been forced to keep up for all these years. Although it wasn't always fake, it was unsurprising that sometimes he was genuinely angry at Arthur, but he never held a passionate, devoted hated toward him!

After agreeing to finally go and once again reunify with their friends, they found them at a coffee shop in the park. The shop was nice. Decorated with plants hanging from the walls and scattered in various places, a warm and cosy aura oozed out of every nook and cranny of the place.

Ordering himself a latte, and Arthur ordering a hot chocolate, the two waited for their drinks before joining their peers at a table just outside beside a heater. "No tea? I thought for sure that you would order tea!" Francis teased, thought it was true that he was slightly surprised when Arthur ordered a hot chocolate instead of tea. The man looked at him, "I don't always need to drink tea, you know. I do enjoy hot chocolate, and even coffee!" He told. Francis gasped dramatically, "Wow! Now that is unexpected!"

The two collected their warm beverages and pulled up two chairs at a table with their friends. Ludwig looked at them seriously, asking, "Did you two sort everything out?". Francis glanced at Arthur, who answered, "Yep! It's all sorted!" Was that it? Was that all Arthur was going to say? "Is that it?" Romano questioned, clearly just as confused and curious as everyone else.

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