Chapter 11 - Italians & Pasta

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"Hey, Francis, can I ask you a question?"

"Bien sûr, Arthur"

Francis wasn't sure what Arthur was about to ask, and his tone was making him nervous.

"I was just wondering-"


Oh non.

Feliciano's voice was one that could not be mistaken, but as soon as you heard it, you didn't know what you were going to hear next.

"Oh! Hello Feliciano!" Arthur greeted the short, brunette, Italian, who had unexpectedly interjected himself in Francis and Arthur's conversation.

"So, what are you two doing" Asked Feliciano in his usual, sing-song voice.

Francis had to think for a moment before responding, "Uh, bonjour, Feliciano! How are you? What are you doing here?"

"Well, Francie, I was just on my way to check up on you! I feel really bad after freaking out at your art in that meeting! I really shouldn't have freaked out like that! It was just very surprising, you know? Like, it was really good art, but-"

"Yes, yes, we get it!" interrupted both blonde men frantically.

"Oh, ok! Well, Germany is kind of mad at me, or at least he will be when he realises that I snuck out of the house without leaving a note for him! So, could I please come with you two to wherever you're going?"

"Oh, uh, mon ami, I'm not sure-"

"Please! Please! I am begging you! I don't want to die! I'm too young to die and Luddy is going to kill me if I go back there, and I don't want to die!" Whined the coward, beginning to cry in fear.

"Alright! You can accompany us! Just stop your pathetic whaling!" Arthur agreed, slightly annoyed by Feliciano's cowardice.

Feliciano cheered in joy as he thanked his two friends and began to walk behind them, still en route to Francis' flat. The loud Italian was the only one to talk for the remainder of the three's journey, although Francis couldn't recall a second of the walk where Feliciano wasn't waffling on about random subjects.

Finally, the three Europeans reached Francis' front door. As Francis reached for his keys, Feliciano finally stopped talking. The door clicked open and before Francis could open his own door, a certain Italian had already launched himself at the handle, letting himself into Francis' home. He held the door open for Arthur, who entered the flat after Feliciano, scoffing and rolling his eyes before thanking Francis sarcastically.

"Wow! This is a very nice place you have Francie!" Feliciano commented before collapsing onto Francis' comfortable, brown couch and falling asleep immediately.

"How does he..."

"I don't know, but it's incredible."

Arthur explored Francis' apartment (without asking permission), in search of William. He aggressively searched every nook-and-cranny of Francis' living room.

"Arthur! Why are you assaulting my drawers!?" Questioned Francis, concerned by how violently Arthur was treating his home.

"I'm looking for William!" Arthur answered.

"Ok, could you look for William without breaking my furniture, please?" Requested Francis, dreading how much work would have to go into fixing the furniture if it broke. He did not have the building capabilities required to do that!

"I suppose I might be able to arrange that." Sighed Arthur, seizing his aggressive searching.

Francis ran into his bedroom and snatched Arthur's wooden soldier form his bedside table, returning to the living room where Arthur was once, he had. He placed it on the table behind Arthur, who had resumed his search, although less aggressively.

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