Part 10 - "Do You Remember That Campfire?"

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"Arthur..." Francis started speaking but stopped randomly.

"Well, I should really pop some clothes on and get ready for my day!" Said Arthur, clearly lost as to what to say or do next.

"Arthur, it is two o'clock in the morning, what could you possibly need to prepare for?" Questioned Francis, being his curious self. He always needed to know everything.

"Well, I should probably go and shower and go to sleep, you should too, Frenchie, you stink more than usual!"


"I beg your pardon?"

"No. We're staying here."

"Frog, get off of me!"


"Unhand me you bastard!"

Arthur had attempted to get up, but Francis was now restraining Arthur's hands, pinning him to the soft carpet of Arthur's apartment. Francis didn't just want for this to be nothing. He knew that he next day, when they saw each other next, Arthur would just act once again as if nothing happened. Francis wasn't about to let that happen.

"Arthur, we need to talk, and I am not freeing you until we do."

"Why on earth would I agree to that!? Let me go! Now!"

"Just listen to me for once in your life! Mon dieu, you are so stubborn!"

"Fine! We can talk for as long as you want after both of us are showered and clothed!"


"Oi frog, you can use my shower here. I'll shower after you."

Francis showered in Arthur's shower. As he stood in the shower, hot water running down him, he thought about Arthur, about how adorable he was, his voice, his sarcasm, his attitude, all of those things are what made Arthur himself! And even though they were awfully annoying, they were also sort of endearing.

This train of thought was rudely interrupted when Arthur opened the door to the bathroom and sarcastically asked, "Do you plan on wasting all the water in the universe, pretty boy? Too bad, your shower time is up, get out." Francis quickly shut off the water and stepped out of the shower, he swiftly wrapped a towel around his waist and walked out of the bathroom. Arthur was still standing in the doorway, but he hadn't been watching Francis as he finished showering, he had been staring off into a corner, clearly zoned out. As he walked past his arch nemesis into the living room, Francis made sure to smack Arthur's arse before running into the living room as he heard the bathroom door violently slam closed behind him.

Picking up his tracksuit pants and shirt from earlier, he grabbed his blue underwear from the floor near the wall next to the bedroom door. As he got changed, Francis tried his best not to let himself think about that had happened.

Once Arthur had emerged from his shower, having taken arguably longer than Francis had, he headed straight for his bedroom to get dressed. Francis decided to go into the kitchen and boil some water, he figured that Arthur could probably do with some tea.

Only a few minutes later, Arthur emerged from his room wearing a white t-shirt, covered by a warm-grey woollen jumper, a pair of comfortable-looking, grey tracksuit pants, and some adorable, knitted socks. As per usual, he had the refreshing scent of rain, but what else would be expected of England? Although not on purpose, Francis found himself staring at Arthur as he exited his bedroom and picked up his pyjamas from the living room floor.

"What are you looking at, Frog?" Arthur questioned, just like every other time Francis did so much as glance at him.

"You. What else would I be looking at?" Flirted Francis jokingly.

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