Chapter 16 - A Very Angry German

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Ludwig stood in the doorway to Francis' apartment, staring in horror at the two men, who were on top of each other, one of them being inside the other. Both of them were sweaty, and scruffy, and not even fully naked, Arthur had his pants and boxers around his shins, his shirt fully unbuttoned. The same applied to Francis, except his shirt had been pulled down to reveal his shoulders. There was a truly impressive amount of cum dripping from the couch onto the floor beneath, and possibly the most concerning thing was Francis holding a LITERAL GUN to Arthur's back!

How could Francis have been this stupid? He had completely forgotten the fact that he was supposed to be in that room still! Now Ludwig had caught him and Arthur fucking, how great!

"What is going on here!?" Ludwig blurted out, clearly in shock.

Neither of the two lovers knew how to answer. Francis searched his brain for some possible way out of this situation; unsurprisingly, he found none.

"Well!? One of you! Answer me or else I will call someone else to help me here!"

"What is there to answer?" Francis was an idiot. Was he seriously trying to play dumb right now!? This was not the time!

"What are you doing to Arthur!? He looks like he is in excruciating pain!" Demanded Ludwig, mortified by the scene in front of him, and rightfully so.

"I'm uhh... I was being controlled by the Andorran Alien Agency-"

"I've do not want to hear your insane conspiracies! Get up, both of you! I never thought that I would have to say this to any of my colleagues, but put your pants back on, and sit down! AWAY FROM EACH OTHER!" Commanded the strong, terrifying German.

"Ok, fine, but are you just going to stand there and watch us while we dress?"


"Ok then."

As Francis withdrew from Arthur, the pained man moaned in agony. When Francis shushed him, Arthur scoffed. Both of them got up, Arthur struggling, and pulled their pants up, sitting away from each other, on opposite ends of the cum-covered couch. Keep in mind, the two of them were still harder than rock.

"Ok, good, Arthur, you look like you are in pain." Commented a concerned Ludwig, seeing Arthur's expression of clear agony as he sat.

"No, no, I'm okay!" Assured Arthur unconvincingly.

Ludwig pulled a chair from the dining table and placed it in front of the couch, taking a seat on it as he stared at the two secret lovers in clear worriment.

As the two began to be interrogated by Ludwig, they were asked to explain what the fuck was going on.

"Listen, let me to explain! It was an accident!" Lied Francis. He wasn't a very good liar, that much was obvious.

"In what world could that be an accident!?" Questioned Ludwig, very shocked. Honestly, Francis couldn't blame him for being shocked, who could? After all, he had just walked in on quite a... jarring scene. And what was most likely even more confusing to him was the fact that as far he knew, Arthur and Francis were hellbent on causing each other's slow, agonising demise.

For a moment, Francis looked at Arthur. He appeared embarrassed, and sore, but that was no surprise considering what had just taken place. Francis was slightly pleased when looking at Arthur's discomfort, it made him feel oh so very proud of himself.

"Explain to me exactly the truth." Ordered Ludwig, growing impatient.

"Ok, ok! I- uh..." Began Francis, stopping after realising what he was being forced to say.

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