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Chu Jin knew Song Qiaoxi. Although he didn't play much with children in the compound before, he was good at observing and knew many things.

This little girl who lives in the same compound with herself has big beautiful eyes, white and tender skin, sweet and soft milky voice, as cute as a glutinous dumpling.

But he knew that Nuo Tuanzi was a proper bear kid under his very deceptive appearance.

Many children in the courtyard have been teased by Song Qiaoxi and cried. Not only does she like to bully people, but she also turns right and wrong. Even if an adult finds out, there is always a way to find someone to blame.

What the **** did she want to make with the behavior she just did?

Chu Jin pursed his mouth, grabbed the strap of the schoolbag with both hands, and took two steps back.

Watching Tuanzi's every move with vigilant eyes, as if trying to catch clues of scheming from her pink face.

However, nothing was found.

She didn't cry too much, her apricot eyes were wet, she just looked at him with a look of guilt.

Song Qiaoxi said softly, "I'm sorry, Brother Chu Jin, did you bump into your face just now?"

Carefully stretched out the fleshy little hand, trying to comfort him, but saw that he fluttered away like a hedgehog, and sighed inwardly.

He must have had a lot of hardships before he would be sensitive like a small animal. No one would go bad for no reason. Chu Jin called the police to save himself. He was not a bad boy.

Kneeling down, she awkwardly picked up the ham sausage that fell on the ground, and ran towards her parents with her short legs. Next to them was a panda trash can.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I accidentally dropped the ham on the floor, please punish me."

Holding the ham, she lowered her head and took the initiative to admit her mistake.

Years of life experience in an orphanage taught her a truth, "be lenient in confession, and strict in resistance."

Actively admitting is better than being caught, and the punishment will be lighter.

But, why haven't there been any movements for a long time?

Looking up, I found Mom and Dad in a daze, with a surprised expression on their faces as if their chins were about to hit the ground.

"It's not that I met a human trafficker, and I was frightened. When did Xixi take the initiative to admit her mistake?" Dad muttered, winking at his mother desperately, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

"Xixi, is it uncomfortable?" Mom knelt down and touched her forehead with a worried expression, "I don't have a fever, it's not nonsense."

Mother's eyes lit up, she threw the ash-rolled ham sausage into the panda's fat belly, picked up the meaty glutinous dumplings, and gave her a big kiss on her face: "We Xixi are sensible. , Growing up, it was the first time I knew that I took the initiative to admit my mistakes."

Seeing the joyful expressions of her parents, Song Qiaoxi felt that her brain capacity was insufficient.

No, why is it different from what you imagined?

What parents ask of themselves, uh, how do you put it.

It seems to be a bit low...

"Xixi, Mom and Dad would like to discuss something with you," Dad lowered his head and shook her hand. "Chu Jin's parents are gone. He has nowhere to go right now. Mom and Dad have discussed it. Pick him up and go home together, and then we will find a way to help him contact relatives."

Transmigrated in the 90's as a Little Dumpling (MTL) ✓ Where stories live. Discover now