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Song Qiaoxi looked at the nanny car and Aunt Fang parked at the door, as well as the driver in uniform, confused.

Before Aunt Fang could answer her, the phone in her pocket rang.

Song Qiaoxi's cell phone number is only known to her parents and a few close classmates. Classmates usually send text messages and rarely make phone calls.

She hurriedly took out her phone and took a look, and the other aunt smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, Aunt Fang, you can wait for me a bit, I want to answer the phone, it's my mother..."

"Hey, mother." Song Qiaoxi quickly answered the phone.

"Xixi, you haven't set off yet?" Qiao Qin spoke quickly on the phone.

Song Qiaoxi said: "Not yet. We are still at grandma's house. Uncle drove us to Zhongtianmen. We did not take the bus."

"That's good, Xixi, my grandfather has had a stroke, and he is now in the hospital. The situation is a bit urgent. Your father has already rushed to the hospital, and Aunt Fang will probably take the driver to his grandma's house in a while. Waiting at home..." Qiao Qin finished speaking, still feeling uneasy, "Forget it, you can use all the phone calls, I will tell him."

"Mom, Aunt Fang has arrived, I will call Chu Jin immediately." Song Qiaoxi was startled after hearing this, and nodded to Aunt Fang who was standing at the door. She didn't dare to delay for a moment, ran into the hall and saw Chu Jin. Bowing his head to organize his schoolbag.

"Mom's call, there is an emergency." Song Qiaoxi stuffed her phone into Chu Jin's hand.

"Aunt Qiao?" Chu Jin straightened up and answered the phone, followed by a moment of silence.

"Okay, I see." After a while, he frowned, and returned the phone in his hand to Song Qiaoxi, "Aunt Qiao said she wanted to talk to grandma."

"Oh." Song Qiaoxi rushed to the kitchen again and gave her grandma the phone.

There was a panic in the small courtyard of my grandmother's house. The friends under the grape shelf looked at each other. Although they didn't know what happened, it seemed that it should be something urgent.

"Then go quickly, it's okay, these kids are sensible, Qinqin, don't worry about it." Grandma's ears are a thief right now. After talking with her daughter, she hung up the phone quickly, "Xi Xi, you go and help Chu Jin pack up and don't leave anything."

Needless to say, Song Qiaoxi grabbed the phone and ran back to the hall.

Ding Yi, Ding Miao and the others have already returned to the hall. The little friends carried their schoolbags and watched as Chu packed their luggage neatly.

"Chu Jin, where are you going?" Ding Yi helped him pull the corner of his duffel bag so that he could close the zipper.

"Back to Beijing, I'm sorry I can't climb Mount Tai with you." Chu Jin said in a low voice, slamming the zipper, raising his head and saying to Ding Yi, "Thank you."

"Grandpa Chu is sick and the situation is a bit urgent. He has to rush back to Beijing first." Song Qiaoxi stepped into the hall and briefly explained to everyone.

"Ah, then, that's going to go quickly, Grandpa Chu should be fine..." Ding Yi squatted slightly, and exchanged glances with a few of his friends.

Everyone did not expect it to be so serious.

I don’t care to say a few more words with my friends, Song Qiaoxi climbed the stairs in three steps in two steps, stuffed the mobile phone charging cable, Wenquxing, SAT exercises and messy books and papers in her room into her schoolbag, and looked back. A glance at the clothes lying on the bed.

Transmigrated in the 90's as a Little Dumpling (MTL) ✓ Where stories live. Discover now