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Chu Jin stood beside Song Qiaoxi, smiling silently, "There are too many people surnamed Chu in this world."

"But it's really a coincidence. Grandpa Sun said that Uncle Chu returned to Qizhou for Aunt Sun. He broke up with his family at the time and never talked again. It's like the daughter of Seven Immortals not going back to Heaven for Dong Yong. Now! How come you say there is such a coincidence?"

The little girl always remembers this kind of "gossip" much stronger than mathematical formulas, Song Qiaoxi said seriously.

"Grandpa Sun tells a story, like the storyteller in the village mouth, a lot of things go through..." Chu Jin shook his head helplessly, and finally thought of a suitable word, "It was processed by'art' for the sake of Amusing you, let you keep looking for him to listen to stories."

Song Qiaoxi obviously didn’t believe that Grandpa Sun’s story was “artistically” processed, and asked with a pouting: “Then have you been to Beijing when you were a child? Has Uncle Chu told you about other relatives in your family? Your father can’t be. It popped out of a crack in the rock, Uncle Chu must have a father too, do you always have a grandfather?"

When asked by her, Chu Jin subconsciously recalled it.

It is also thanks to Grandpa Sun that he and Song Qiaoxi often "fudge" him and Song Qiaoxi to listen to the stories, although many stories he could not detect when he was a child, he would know when they were older, they were the products of "art" processed by Grandpa Sun kindly.

Grandpa Sun also talked a lot about his father and mother's memories. Chu Jin thanked him, otherwise so many memories may gradually fade away after so many years.

It is not deliberate forgetting, perhaps it is a kind of self-protection, I always feel that if I don't deliberately think of it, I can avoid missing my mom and dad.

It was also because at that time, he was really too young, and his memory was indeed not as good as it is now.

But there is one thing that Chu can remember. He had been to Beijing when he was a child, and his father and mother took him by plane. It seems that he has been here more than once.

But I really can’t remember what I did in Beijing and who I met...

In general, it should be like ordinary parents, taking their children to travel, right?

Later, when Mom and Dad left, when my uncle came to deal with Dad's later life, he vaguely remembered that he also mentioned that he was going to take him back to Beijing.

It's just that the little uncle did not fulfill the promise.

The younger uncle rented a house in Qizhou, and found a nanny to take care of his daily life. When the parents' affairs were done, the younger uncle swept away all the assets of Chu Jin's parents overnight and disappeared without a trace.

Thinking of this, Chu Jin felt a little absurd. He actually followed Song Qiaoxi's imagination to remember his father's family background?

Perceiving someone poking at him with a finger, Chu Jin raised her eyelid and said to Song Qiaoxi, who was shining with gossip in her big eyes: "When I was young, my parents took me to Beijing and traveled to places like the Great Wall and the Forbidden City... ...."

"Then what then?" Song Qiaoxi asked.

"No more." Chu Jin said.

As if she couldn't believe it, Song Qiaoxi asked again: "Oh, just, it's gone?"

"Well, it's gone." Chu Jin shrugged.

Zhao Chenguang stood nearby and smiled at each other with Song Jianguo and Qiao Qin. These two "childhood sweethearts" are really cute.

Transmigrated in the 90's as a Little Dumpling (MTL) ✓ Where stories live. Discover now