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Holding the woolen hat tightly with one hand and the large blue cotton jacket under her armpit, Song Qiaoxi grabbed Ding Miao's arm with the other hand.

Song Qiaoxi coughed a few times, shook her head, and flicked the ponytail behind her head, "Ahem, Miao, Miaomiao, am I right?"

Obviously, Ms. Miao accepted the facts faster than she, and calmly patted Song Qiaoxi's hand and said, "Oh, it's Chu Jin."

Song Qiaoxi's palms were sweaty, and she looked back at the rostrum in a panic, for fear that Aunt Gao and Secretary Ding would find that Chu Jin was really here.

Fortunately, Aunt Gao and Secretary Ding were both standing next to President Jiang and Vice President Uncle Jiang with their waists down, and their faces were wrinkled with smiles.

It's great if I didn't find it. I don't know. Did Chu Jin hear what he said on stage just now?

Closed her eyes tightly, Song Qiaoxi begged God in her heart for blessing, he had better not hear anything...

"Let's go, stay here for a while and others will see Chu Jin."

Ding Miao squeezed her wrist and said.

Song Qiaoxi hurriedly took Ding Miao's hand, "Ah, hurry up."

The two little girlfriends walked hand in hand to the entrance of the auditorium under Chu Jin's gaze.

Song Qiaoxi swallowed uncomfortably at Shang Chu's dark and bottomless eyes, and stopped in front of him calmly.


Just opened his mouth and wanted to ask him "Why are you here?" There was a rush of footsteps behind Chu Jin.

"Wow! Ding Yi, you are too slow too..."

Wang Junyang slammed the brakes and stopped, followed by Ding Yi, who was about to lose his breath as he watched.

"Ah, everyone is here..."

Wang Junyang scratched his head, squeezed his eyes at Song Qiaoxi, and made a gesture of surrender.

"Aunt Gao, they seem to be coming over!"

Ding Yi said something very fittingly, and pointed his finger behind Song Qiaoxi.

Song Qiaoxi hurriedly pushed Chu Jin out of the auditorium, muttering in a low voice, "Go, go, go home..."

The "Little Gang of Five" exited the gate of the auditorium.

The sky was dark, the open street light at the entrance of the auditorium was dim, and laughter and applause broke out from time to time in the auditorium.

Song Qiaoxi stood two or three meters away from Chu Jin, looking back at the two "pig teammates", Wang Junyang and Ding Yi, the two boys kicked stones on the side of the road in a persuaded manner, as if they were a background. plate.

Ding Miao was also standing next to Wang Junyang and Ding, a little far away from her. Miaomiao pushed her glasses, shrugged helplessly, and whispered, "I can't help but tell the truth."

She was wearing Chu Jin's blue cotton jacket and clutching Chu Jin's woolen hat with her left hand. Song Qiaoxi touched the red envelope in her cotton jacket pocket with her right hand. The hard shell certificate of merit fell into the auditorium while panicking when she went out just now.

With one hand pulled out the red envelope and raised it above her head, Song Qiaoxi rushed to Chu Jin with a smile on her back, "I, I will collect the red envelope for you today, this is for you!"

You know, the red envelopes that Chu usually receives during the New Year are all in her pocket.

This time, if you take the initiative to give it to him, you should be happier, right?

Transmigrated in the 90's as a Little Dumpling (MTL) ✓ Where stories live. Discover now