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On a summer night, the Song family was in the courtyard at the foot of Mount Tai, and the moon was as cool as water.

Leaning against the big jujube tree, the beautiful young man looks like a fairy with drooping eyes and a slight emotion on his face, which makes people unable to guess what he is thinking.

Song Qiaoxi looked at the young man carefully, imagining that Chu Jin wouldn't really be a "fairy"?

If not, how could life be so beautiful and detailed.

Young people always have all kinds of troubles.

For Chu Jin, worries may be the hope for the future, Xu is the desire to grow up, and Xu is the unrequited gratitude for Uncle Song who grew up with him, or perhaps it is because of the inability to hold on to it in his heart. The strong like, that slight sense of guilt.

This liking is not the impulse of an ordinary teenager.

But it is deeply engraved in the bones, from 1996 to 2006, for the past ten years, simple and ordinary, but blood-like, inseparable emotions.

The beauty of childhood sweethearts lies in not missing the slightest growth of the other party, having the best tacit understanding, and understanding all the advantages and disadvantages of the other party.

I am your best friend in this life, and I want to be your only love in this life.

But the little girl standing aside, she now has only one worry.

A clean and pure annoyance.

Thousands of young girls of this age will have troubles.

Song Qiaoxi's footsteps were very light. In the small courtyard, there were bluestone slabs laid by her grandfather. The girl wore a pair of creamy white flip-flops. Her tender feet were exposed, and even her heels were tender powder.

She walked to Chu Jin, the boy breathed smoothly, his eyelashes trembled slightly, as if he was asleep?

His hair should be freshly washed, and the ends of his hair still have a little dampness. There are dark water stains around his shoulders, and his body is Song Qiaoxi's favorite light mint fragrance.

Raising her head and holding her breath, Song Qiaoxi clasped her hands tightly together, blinked twice with her big eyes, and was about to stand on her toes...

Chu Jin opened his eyes abruptly.

There was still roaring music in his ears, and LinkinPark was playing in the Ipod. The intense heavy metal rock and roll seemed to be a bit of a panic in front of the little girl in a goose-yellow piping nightdress.

Song Qiaoxi stood very close to him, so close that Chu Jin could feel her breathing.

The breath that the girl exhaled was very light, very soft, with a slight heat, and the sweet fragrance of small daisies.

In the moonlight, she looked up at him, with long curly chestnut hair hanging around her waist like a mermaid, and a pair of smiling and shy apricot eyes, like rubbing into the sky full of galaxies.

For an instant, the boy's heart beat madly.

Chu Jin silently clenched his fist in one hand, took off a headset with the other hand, and frowned slightly.

At this late hour, did the little girl think of any pranks, or some whimsical ideas?

Chu knows that Song Qiaoxi has always been a ghost and a ghost, and expected that she would not sleep in the room honestly.

Transmigrated in the 90's as a Little Dumpling (MTL) ✓ Where stories live. Discover now