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The results of the college entrance examination came out at the end of June. Song Qiaoxi passed the first line, and she was very satisfied with the result.

Chu Jin lived up to expectations and won the No. 1 in science college entrance examination that year. He can choose any major in any domestic university.

Song Qiaoxi’s school start date is at the end of September. At the end of June, he applied for a visa, and plans to book a flight to California at the beginning of September.

She discussed with Chu Jin in private, and didn't want to tell the Song family's father and mother about the relationship between the two people so early.

Song Qiaoxi had her own plan, not to hide, but to let her parents know little by little.

Mother is not a big problem. It's just that her family has a vinegar "daddy" Song Jianguo that explodes at every turn. If there is a showdown with Song Dad this summer, Song Qiaoxi has a hunch that she won't have to spend this summer.

During the whole year of high school, Song Jianguo often mentioned "puppy love" at the dining table. He clearly expressed his attitude, "Don't fall in love before Xixi is 20 years old, and focus on schoolwork."

Song Qiaoxi, who was drinking shredded chicken and corn soup at the dining table, almost spit out, and cried out aggrievedly, "Dad! Are you so wide?"

"That's right," Qiao Qin couldn't stand it anymore, so he drew a paper towel to her daughter and teased Song Jianguo. "You can still go to the United States and stare at her daughter. Xixi is eighteen years old. She is an adult. If she wants to fall in love, just talk about it. , What's up with your old man."

"Hey, I don't like to listen to these words!" Song Jianguo has the enthusiasm, "Dare to love Xixi is not your girl, Xixi, look at your mother's attitude of turning her elbow out, you can't listen to her. You Listen to my dad. When you are twenty years old, you will fall in love. My dad tells you that men don’t have a good thing, and it’s okay if you don’t want to get married. My dad will support you all his life."

"..." Song Qiaoxi was about to die speechless, frowning and peeking at Chu Jin secretly.

He had a calm face, and he drank the soup spoon by spoon in a good manner.

"Huh, if I find out that a stinky guy has a bad idea about my girl, see if I don't interrupt his leg." Song Jianguo was still humming. For so many years, let alone the girl who is about to marry, he thought about it. He was so angry that the girl fell in love.

These words made Song Qiaoxi get goose bumps.


Every time Dad talked about the topic of dating, he was so irritable, she didn't want her boyfriend to be a lame.

After thinking for a long time, she told Chu Jin not to tell his parents so early.

Chu Jin respected all her opinions and promised her that when Song Qiaoxi was ready, he would talk about it.

There are still two months left in the summer vacation, and the results of both people have come out. Song Qiaoxi's visa is ready, and Chu Jin only needs to wait for the admission notice.

Song Qiaoxi suggested that she wanted to go back to Qizhou to play for a month.

After leaving Qizhou for three years, she missed her friends and neighbors in the compound so much. I heard that Wang Junyang was also planning to return to Qizhou.

During this time, Qiao Qin School was very busy. She applied for a national-level project. She was almost busy with project establishment and team formation during the summer vacation. There was no way to accompany the two children back.

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