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The day after the wedding, Song Qiaoxi took the initiative to ask Chu Jin to go to the cemetery on the outskirts of Qizhou.

The night before, Song Qiaoxi's mood fluctuated all day because of too much talk. When she returned to her new house, she was so tired that she didn't even want to remove her makeup. She fell on the sofa and didn't want to move.

Chu Jin felt sorry for her. Although it was the wedding night, she didn't toss her to death as usual. He carefully removed the makeup for her, coaxed her to take a shower, and put on the limp little bride. Pajamas, wrapped in the air-conditioning quilt, let her sleep.

Song Qiaoxi got up very early in the morning, turned over, and looked at the thick and drooping eyelashes next to the pillow, thin lips with almost no blood, and skin that was fairer than a girl with barely visible pores. I had to sigh, why someone sleeps continuously Yan Du is so evil?

She called "husband" silently.

Chu Jin was still asleep, so naturally he couldn't hear this sound that was smaller than the mosquito's grunt.

But after Song Qiaoxi finished speaking, she buried her face in the pillow, she couldn't hide her shyness.

It was obvious that everything happened to the two people, and they knew everything about each other, but the strange word "husband" was called out, and her heart was about to fly out.

After breakfast, Chu Jin drove and took Song Qiaoxi to the suburban cemetery.

The car is a royal blue BMW X3, a wedding gift from Ding's family.

Uncle Ding and Aunt Ding discussed it, Qizhou has the custom of sending a car to her daughter, and Song Qiaoxi is equivalent to their second daughter.

The old Song family helped a lot when the couple was just laid off and the most difficult time. The small restaurant opened by the couple was rented for them by Song Jianguo as a guarantee, and they borrowed a sum of money as start-up capital. .

When Xixi got married, in addition to wrapping a big red envelope, Lao Ding and the others also gave away a car.

When he arrived at the cemetery, Chu Jin took out two sacrifices from the trunk of the car, one for grandma Song Qiaoxi, and one for his parents.

First, I went to see the grandmother of the Song family. After that, Chu Jin took Song Qiaoxi's hand, and the two of them came to his parents' tombstone.

Before Song Qiaoxi arrived, she installed a clean towel in advance, let go of Chu Jin's hand, and naturally began to clean the tombstone, and Chu Jin arranged the sacrifice.

After finishing everything, Song Qiaoxi squatted down holding Chu Jin's hand, looking at the young and handsome faces of Chu Chengmin and Sun Qiuyu on the tombstone.

They are only about 30 years old in the photo. They are very young, with talented men and women, and they are absolutely "top-class" appearances.

Chu Jin calmly called out, "Dad, mother."

Song Qiaoxi clasped his hand and said obediently: "Uncle Chu, Aunt Sun, we have come to see you."

Immediately afterwards, she realized that she seemed to have made a mistake, scratching her head with the other hand, and immediately changed her words, "Dad, mom, we are coming to see you..."

She noticed that Chu Jin's hand tightened.

"Dad, mom, how are you doing lately?" Song Qiaoxi's voice was very sweet, with a little girl's crispness, "I think you must have known it in advance, but I still want to tell you about it in person , Chu Jin and I had a wedding yesterday at the newly opened restaurant in Uncle Ding's house. The uncles and aunts in the courtyard are all here, and it is very lively."

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