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Song Qiaoxi took two steps obediently, blinked, and looked at Chu Jin somewhat puzzled.

"Xixi, Chu Jin, cut a watermelon for you two?" Song Jianguo walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator door, took out a whole large iced watermelon from it, and asked the two children, "I'll wash you a rose. Fragrant grapes?"

"I can do it, Uncle Song." Chu Jin adjusted his breath, took the rag to clean the sink, and went out of the kitchen first.

"I want to eat both watermelon and grapes!" Song Qiaoxi was still wondering, Chu Jin said, does good performance mean taking a good exam? Shaking his head, he also walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs to review.

Song Jianguo was alone in the kitchen, cutting the watermelon to two examinees at home, peeling and cutting them into small pieces, putting them on two small plates, and washing the grapes.

Since the last time he misunderstood Chu Jin, Song Jianguo has always reminded himself that at this critical moment, he should not affect the children's emotions because of his own impulse.

The main reason was that Song Jianguo heard Zhao Chenguang's complaints some time ago, and Lao Zhao said that his son Zhao Xin seemed to be in premature love.

The child has a bad spirit every day, and his mental state is particularly bad.

Old Zhao and his wife asked several times that Zhao Xin didn't say who he liked, and said that even in the International Department, he would never go abroad in the future. They also said that they had been studying in-class materials for the first two years of high school.

This incident made Zhao Chenguang's couple very angry.

But at this time, the two of them couldn't make a joke about the future of the child. After all, Zhao Xin is now seventeen, not seven. The boy has such a big idea that they are parents and there is no way to force him to go abroad.

The couple can only think of a way to transfer Zhao Xin’s school to a public high school near their home to prepare for the domestic college entrance examination.

Considering the situation of the children of the old Zhao family, Song Jianguo feels that the mental state and emotions of the two children in his family are very stable, and there is no depression or secretly hurting themselves. So in summary, it should be the seed of no premature love.

Simply let go, and didn't think about it anymore.


At the beginning of May, Song Qiaoxi and Chu Jin had a good place in Macau's SAT exam, and both of them had applied for Hong Kong and Macau passes.

Originally, Song Jianguo had to volunteer to accompany the two children, but recently their new media department was as busy as a spinning top due to the rapid Internet push, and finally was persuaded by her daughter.

Qiao Qin is working in a university, and she must not be able to take leave from school when she is nearing the end of the term. Compared with Song Jianguo, her mother is more and more imaginative.

I feel that the two children, one has grown up at the age of eighteen and the other is seventeen, are good children with three correct outlooks. Regardless of whether a boy or a girl, they should learn to do something independently.

The couple, the teacher of the SAT tutoring class, and the parents of several other test takers made a total and confirmed that the accommodation conditions are safe, the meals are hygienic, and that they can study and take the exam with peace of mind.

In itself, Macau is not as noisy as Hong Kong, and the city is small, suitable for children to study and prepare for exams.

Although they said rest assured, the couple still took advantage of the weekend to fly to Macau to inspect the hotel and meals where they were staying, and confirm the distance between the test site and the hotel, and finally they were relieved that they would go alone with other students. take an exam.

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