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Chu Jin stood at the door, wearing only a thin off-white sweater and black corduroy trousers, with a pair of peach eyes curled up.

I don't know if it's the reason why I just got up, my eyes are misty.

Others didn't have the stiff standing as usual, they were slightly leaning on the door frame with their hands in their pockets, and the whole person looked soft.

"You, get up early..."

Song Qiaoxi put her hands behind her back, and slowly moved towards the family building.

"What are you doing early in the morning? You don't have your hair tied up, don't tell me to come out for a morning run?"

Chu Jin's voice was lazy, a little dumb, his eyelids seemed a little heavy, and his eyes didn't open completely.

"I ate to support myself last night and woke up early for a stroll."

Xiao Nuo Tuan really doesn't lie, her voice is as small as a mosquito, and she secretly glanced at Chu Jin's reaction, and her two short legs continued to move towards the family building.

Chu Jin saw through her "lie", seeing her sneaky and hiding something behind her, it must be something she didn't want him to know, and she didn't say much.

Shaking his head and smiling, he said very cooperatively: "It's too cold in the morning. Next time you come out for a walk, wear more and a hat."

Song Qiaoxi nodded in relief.

Emma, ​​luckily, Chu Jin didn't find it!

Hiding the paper roll awkwardly with his body, he turned and ran into the building.

Since the last time she forgot to bring her home key and was caught, she would confirm whether she had the key before going out. She looked down at her chest, the key was there, and she was relieved.

It was less than six o'clock when I walked into the house.


Mom and Dad usually get up early in the morning, but today it is strange that they haven't gotten up at this point yet.

Don't know what they did last night?

"Didn't you go to bed early?"

Song Qiaoxi said to herself, shrugged and took Ding Yi's painting, and went back to her hut to work.

She took a group photo of the "Little Gang of Five", applied a glue stick, and pasted it on the prepared cardboard "certificate", raising her hands and blowing into the glue.

After enjoying it beautifully for a long time, and confirming that it was completely dry, he carefully rolled up the award and went to the bathroom to find a hair rope with a small strawberry to tie it up.

I packed my schoolbags, washed my clothes, and changed my clothes. Only then did I hear the sound of "ding ding dong dong" in the room of mom and dad.

"Song Jianguo, last night..." Mother opened the door with a "crash", she walked out anxiously with her hair tied up, tied the belt of her dressing gown, turned her gaze to Song Qiaoxi and said, "Xixi , Have you washed? Mom will steam a custard bag for you and Chu Jin steamed vegetable bag for breakfast, okay?"

"I'm done washing up, Mom, I like to eat custard packets!"

Xiao Nuotuan agreed, sitting on the sofa and turning on the TV.

When Yu Guang saw her mother rushing into the kitchen, she didn't forget to say to her, "Xixi, I will learn how to braid myself in the future, okay, if my mother and Chu Jin are not around someday, you really go to school with a goofy haircut? "

Transmigrated in the 90's as a Little Dumpling (MTL) ✓ Where stories live. Discover now