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After wandering at the door of the house for a long time, Song Qiaoxi hesitated whether to ring the doorbell.

As soon as he raised his hand, the anti-theft door opened with a creak.

Behind Chu Jin's backlight, he pulled the doorknob and looked at her condescendingly.

Nuo Tuanzi didn't dare to look directly into his eyes at the moment, lowered his head and looked around in a panic...

Whoops, if there is a seam at this time, she must want to "slip" in?

At this kind of moment, I can't hide it, I must be exuding the "sweet scent" of fried skewers all over my body, maybe there are sesame seeds hanging on the corners of my mouth.

"Uh, inside, my stomach no longer hurts, and I was a little hungry. Then I went out to eat a fried skewers and forgot to take the key..."

Song Qiaoxi was very acquainted, so she confessed to her.

In front of someone who can see through you at a glance, choosing "Frankness and Leniency" may also get "Leniency."

Chu Jin stepped a little away and let her in, silent.

He didn't dare to raise his eyes to see his expression. He changed his slippers at the door in a panic.

Coming out of the bathroom, shaking the water on his hands, he looked up at Shang Chu with full concern.

"Come to the study, I have something to tell you."

He had a calm face, holding a glass of water in his hand, and opened the door of the study.


The one who should be here is still coming, and I can’t hide it. It’s better to face the "terrible" life, which seems to be "settling the accounts" after Autumn...

As soon as I entered the study door, I saw Chu Jin sitting on the piano bench, holding a slightly steaming water glass in both hands.

He was wearing an off-white sweater today, with a light blue shirt collar turned out from the neckline, and his slightly longer forehead concealed the sharp eyebrows.

Chu Jin now sits upright at the piano, his slender neck is slightly lowered, just like a little prince in a fairy tale.

I thought the boy would be angry, or a straight face.

But he didn't expect that when he raised his eyes to look at her, his face was as calm as water, and his eyes revealed a gentle look, without the slightest anger or dissatisfaction, and he nodded gently to signal her to sit over.

At the end of December, Song Qiaoxi ran back all the way, her face was itchy from the cold wind, and she ran in a hurry, this time she really drank the cold wind.

As soon as he sat on the piano bench, he made a soft hiccup, quickly covered his mouth with both hands, and glanced at Chu Jin from the corner of the light.

"Drink some warm water and drink slowly."

Chu Jin said lightly, and handed over the water glass.


I just ate the fried skewers and ran for a long time. I was really thirsty.

Although he agreed with his mouth, he still couldn't get rid of the habit of "cow drinking". The warm water was just right in the mouth, and a cup of "tons, tons, tons" was poured into his stomach, completely not paying attention to Chu Jin's way of talking and stopping on the sidelines.

After drinking, he took a long breath and looked at him with his head tilted.

Chu Jin shook his head as if he had expected that she would not be obedient.

Transmigrated in the 90's as a Little Dumpling (MTL) ✓ Where stories live. Discover now