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"Xixi..." Wang Junyang's voice trembled on the other end of the phone, "Could you please go downstairs, I have something to say to you."

Song Qiaoxi started power amplifier on her phone, she paused, and said neatly: "Wow, Yangyang, wait for me, I will go down now."

After speaking, she hung up the phone.

"Shall I go with you?" Ding Miao pushed his glasses, with a look of worry on his face.

Song Qiaoxi took out a clean T-shirt and denim shorts from the closet, and said while changing her clothes: "It's okay, can Wang Junyang eat me? I have known friends for more than ten years, so nothing will happen to him. You have the courage, I can’t wait to be called Dad when I meet the two of us."

"Puff, too..." Ding Miao laughed and nodded, "Then you go and come back, call me if you have anything to do, and I will go downstairs when you call."

"Okay, really don't worry." Song Qiaoxi got dressed, found a rubber band and tied her hair casually, took a bottle of Liushen anti-mosquito toilet water from the bedside table and sprayed it on her legs and body, and went out with her mobile phone and house keys. Up.

Closing the door, she walked up two flights of stairs and stood at the top of the stairs and dialed Chu Jin's phone.

After a short beep, the call was connected.

"Hello?" Song Qiaoxi looked down from the window of the stairway, and she could see the lights in Chu Jin's boiler room, and a figure in front of the desk.

"Xixi?" Chu Jin's familiar voice sounded.

Song Qiaoxi missed him as soon as he heard his voice.

But the two had only been separated for a few hours.

This is too bad...

She could already feel that long-distance love is not as easy as she imagined.

"I want to tell you something," Song Qiaoxi was wearing a pair of creamy white angled slippers, and gently kicked the stairs. "Wang Junyang just called me and asked me to go downstairs and say something to tell me."

"..." After a few seconds of silence on the other end of the phone, Chu Jin let out an "Oh".

"It's okay, I'll report to my boyfriend." Song Qiaoxi's voice was lighter, relieved, "When Yangyang finishes talking to me, I'll tell you what he said. Are you going to sleep now, or have to be busy for a while , Shall I hang up first?"

"Xixi..." Chu Jin whispered to her.


"Thank you for telling me." Chu Jin said with a smile, "In the future, if there is a situation, I will report to my little leader at any time."

"Your little leader?" Song Qiaoxi didn't react, and asked subconsciously.

Chu Jin smiled lightly, speaking very slowly, "Little leader, I am not ready to sleep, and I still have some work to deal with. It is estimated that I will be busy until early in the morning. Call me whenever I have something. Okay, and little leader. After the report is over, report to the leader, can I hang up?"

"Oh, yes." Song Qiaoxi smiled and hung up the phone.

It turned out that it was me, the little leader.

She jumped down from the fifth floor in three steps in two steps.

Pushing open the anti-theft iron door at the entrance of the corridor, he saw Wang Junyang who was standing opposite, leaning against a big locust tree with one hand, and looking down at his toes.

Transmigrated in the 90's as a Little Dumpling (MTL) ✓ Where stories live. Discover now