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Song Qiaoxi's breathing stopped in an instant. After a few seconds of surprise, she grabbed Chu Jin's arm with one hand and pointed at the top of the stairs with one finger, and said hurriedly: "Chu Jin, Jiang Qisheng fell off the stairs!"

Chu Jin turned her head, frowning, patted her arm with the other hand, her voice calm, "You stay here, I'll go to the teacher and call an ambulance."

After that, Chu Jinfei ran to the teacher's office, passing by Zhao Xin, nodded to him, and shouted to Jiang Qisheng who fell downstairs, "Jiang Qisheng, don't move around, I'll call for an ambulance. ."

Even if Chu Jin said, let her stand still, but Song Qiaoxi couldn't just watch her classmates fall down the stairs regardless.

Jiang Qisheng, the squad leader of the fifth class of the sixth grade, has grown to be as tall as a meter and seven meters tall. He has very strong bones, and he has long been no longer a shadow of his childhood.

In the past few years, Jiang Qisheng has never troubled Song Qiaoxi again, and no longer confronted her everywhere. When they were young, the act of strangling each other when they met has long disappeared without a trace.

He is no longer naively following the "official accent" of the leadership of the club, and the boy seems to have grown up overnight.

Even the classmates in the class found that Jiang Qisheng had been trying hard to be a good monitor during the two academic years. If a classmate from another class bullied a class 5 classmate, he was always the first to stand up.

However, it seems that starting from the fifth grade, Jiang Qisheng, the squad leader, and the deputy squad leader Zhao Xin, vaguely got a little bit wrong.

But between boys, there is a bit of contradiction today, there may be a skirmish tomorrow, or just a game of basketball.

It was also for this reason that Song Qiaoxi didn't think much, and gradually relaxed her vigilance against Jiang Qisheng, and no longer sounded a first-level alarm in his mind every time she saw him.

She thought, since Jiang Qisheng is no longer arrogant and domineering, he is polite to his classmates in the courtyard and in the class, and there is no irreconcilable conflict with herself, it is impossible for herself to be okay. Jiang Qisheng pushed down the stairs.

What's more, Jiang Qisheng is tall and strong, so she has to be able to push him? !

According to the "butterfly effect" taught to her by Chu Jin, Song Qiaoxi analyzed in her diary that since she would not push him, Jiang Qisheng would not break his leg, and his father would not offend President Jiang.

Even Song Qiaoxi often naively fantasizes that if the wings of a little butterfly flap, will all the bad things disappear afterwards?

Their family will never be found by the bad luck of "cannon fodder" again.

Throughout the second semester of the sixth grade, Song Qiaoxi always reminded herself that if she saw Jiang Qisheng on the stairs, she would stay away from him in addition to preparing for the exam.

After that, no other things were considered.

It turns out that my previous guess is true.

In this world, the key event of Jiang Qisheng breaking his leg still happened.

It's just that the cause of the incident has changed. She didn't push Jiang Qisheng down, but he accidentally fell down.

This made Song Qiaoxi feel faintly disturbed.

Does that mean that even if Dad doesn't offend President Jiang now, he will encounter resistance at work for other reasons?

Now Song Qiaoxi regrets a little bit, regretting that when she was in the third grade, she should firmly support her dad to work in Beijing.

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