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Song Qiaoxi was grateful to Ding Miao.

She felt that Ding Miao was not like the "coldness" that other children said, but a righteous child, and even hoped to be a good partner with Ding Miao.

Wang Junyang's deafening cry attracted everyone's attention.

She turned her head blankly and looked at Wang Junyang who was crying into a big face.

Wang Junyang's mouth grew wide, his eyes closed tightly, and he let out a crying cry like a small animal, as if he had suffered a great grievance.

"You splashed drinks on people's bedsheets and framed them, what's the matter, you still can't be justified? Don't cry, Wang Junyang, a masculine man, dare to act!" Father Wang grabbed the bear child by the ear and pulled him to Chu Jin. , "Apologize to my little brother."

"Uuuuu...I, I don't apologize, I'm right! You all like Chu Jin. After Chu Jin comes, even Dad doesn't like me anymore. I hate all of you!"

He grabbed his father's other arm and bit on it with one bite.

"Hiss..." Father Wang cried out in pain, and jumped to the side like an electric shock. A row of deep tooth marks appeared on his arm.

Looking at Wang Junyang, he ran away, and he was so angry that he chased after him: "Hey! The brat wants to eat fried pork with bamboo shoots! If you have the ability, don't run..."

At the entrance of the boiler room compound, only the father and daughter of the Song family, who looked dumbfounded, and Chu Jin frowned and looked serious, like a little adult.

Three people are messy in the wind.

"Xiao Chu is all right? Uncle take a look."

Hearing what his father said, Song Qiaoxi obediently got off his lap.

Watching his father beckoning to Chu, he carefully checked the wound on his body and asked the boy to move his arms and legs.

He slapped Chu Jin's head and said with a smile: "It should be okay. Go home and clean it. Put some purple potion on you and Xixi."

"Girl, can you go?"

Dad stood up on his knees and asked her.

Song Qiaoxi nodded, moved her knees, and grinned twice to show her father.

"My girl is genuine leather, so let's take the sheets first? Chu Jin is fine. Go home and let auntie find you a clean sheet to put on. When your uncle Wang catches Yang Yang, he will definitely press his head. I apologize to you." Dad blinked at Chu Jin and Song Qiaoxi, and patted the boy's thin shoulders, "We two elders take more, and leave the pillow towel to Xixi. She can't hold much for the short one, can it be done?"

Chu Jin nodded, and together with Song Qiaoxi, helped Father Song collect the sheets.

The masters are holding a large stack of large-flowered peony towels, the little masters are holding the checkered sheets soiled by the bear children, and the little girl is holding the double happiness mandarin duck embroidered pillowcase.

One big and two colorful little ones came home with such a unique style of painting.

The three of them changed shoes quietly at the door, and no one said anything.

Song Qiaoxi raised her head and glanced, her mother was at the desk in the living room and preparing for lessons. She should have heard the movement, and she put down the lesson plan and pen to welcome the three of them.

Hurry up and lower your head.

"This, Lao Song, what's the matter?"

The soprano is online again. Mother stared at Song Qiaoxi's dirty dress and bruised knee, her voice was a little more questioning, "Xixi, just a few days later, she ran to fight again, and she brought Chu Jin... .... Tsk, the day after tomorrow will be elementary school students, you two go to school like this?"

Transmigrated in the 90's as a Little Dumpling (MTL) ✓ Where stories live. Discover now