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The TV released the ending song of "Young Bao Qingtian", "A bright day on my head, a belief in my heart, not a young ignorance, but not afraid of challenges..."

Chu Jin held his neck with one hand, moved the a little stiff cervical spine up and down, slightly tilted his head, and saw Song Qiaoxi as drunk from the corner of the light, nodding back and forth, eyes closed.

In the next second, she tilted her body, and her head with long hair fell towards his thigh.

Chu Jin didn't dare to move, and was stunned for a moment, only to feel that there was an extra weight on his thighs.

Song Qiaoxi's face was lying on his lap and let out a slight breathing sound. It seemed that she was sleeping very deep and very fragrant, her moist lips pursed slightly, and she smashed it twice like a baby, and then there was no movement.

"Xixi..." He gently pushed Song Qiaoxi's head, trying to wake her up, "Song Qiaoxi, wake up, don't sleep here..."

But after several pushes, the little **** her leg didn't respond no matter how much she poked, making Chu Jin a little at a loss for what to do, and she didn't dare to move.

July in Beijing was sultry and hot. After dinner with Uncle Song and Aunt Qiao, Chu Jin and Song Qiaoxi were all sweating.

Before leaving the house, the aunt and uncle told them to take the bath first.

The two were obedient, and took a shower obediently before going downstairs to watch TV.

When Song Qiaoxi came down, her hair was half dry, her upper body was wearing a goose yellow piping vest, and the lower body was lantern shorts of the same color.

Just now Chu Jin accompanied her for a long walk in the living room, her hair was almost dry, but still with a slight dampness.

Chu Jin felt the warm and humid breath, and smelled the sour apricot shampoo in her nose. Song Qiaoxi slept unscrupulously on his lap like a little milk cat. After a while, she slightly beaten up snore.

The central air conditioner in the house is at a constant temperature of 25 degrees, which is cool and comfortable.

Obviously, I had just taken a shower, let alone sitting on the sofa and watching TV, even if I walked around in the living room, I wouldn't feel hot, but Chu Jin touched his forehead lightly with one hand and felt a thin layer of sweat.

He could feel that the back spine was also slightly hot, and looked down at the little girl sleeping on his lap, and even moved his cheek comfortably, leaving a little baby fat on the trousers of his shorts.

The brightest ceiling light in the living room was not turned on, only the spotlights were turned on for a while.

Under the soft yellow light, Song Qiaoxi’s long brown hair like seaweed sat on her back obediently, her upper body was almost covered by the hair, only a pair of well-proportioned slender legs, and pink and cute, child-like feet Ah.

She has very small feet. Although she has grown longer, she still wears size 34 children's shoes.

With a few strands of broken hair rubbing against her ears, Song Qiaoxi frowned and shook her face, seeming to feel itchy.

Chu Jin hesitated for a long time, looking at her thick upturned, slightly trembling eyelashes, and the curled nose that was raised because of unsatisfaction...

Can't help but reach out to pull the broken hair behind her ears, even though she was very careful, her fingertips still accidentally touched her soft face like a shelled egg.

Withdrawing his fingers like an electric shock, Chu Jin only felt that the blood from his body was pouring into his forehead, his heart was like a rampaging deer, and his chest hurt.

Transmigrated in the 90's as a Little Dumpling (MTL) ✓ Where stories live. Discover now