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Somehow, during the process of everyone escaping, your dragon managed to leave you behind. You didn't know if if was on purpose or on accident, but to be honest you didn't mind. " Just give them till they get back and they'll notice I'm gone. To be honest, I'm surprised D/n left." You said crossing your arms before looking at Grimmel. "Quite a surprise." Grimmel said, smirking a bit. " Well since I'm your prisoner, might as well catch up with each other. It's been a lot of years." You said, tapping his chest with the back of your hand and walked away.

Grimmel turned back towards you, seeing you walking towards one of the dragons. Grimmel hovered his hand over his crossbow," I wouldn't do that..." He said as he watched you. You started to pet one of his dragons, making it purr and coe softly. "You guys deserve some love too. Don't you buddy. Yes you do! Yes you do!" Said in a baby voice. The dragon jumped on you and started to lick your face, making you laugh. Grimmel only looked at the scene surprised, he then whistled and the dragon immediately got off you.

You giggle and stand up, fully covered in saliva, " Ew..." You said as you tried to wipe it off. Grimmel chuckled a bit before throwing you a cloth. " Heh. Thanks." You said as you continued to clean yourself. "Uhh, he takes that stupid baby everywhere." You jump at the sound of the new voice and looked over, before bursting out of laughter at Grimmel's reaction. You almost rolled on the ground from laughter. "Oh this is going to be interesting."

"How come she gets to be out there and I'm in here?" Ruffnut said as she starts to lean on the cell door. You and Grimmel both stay quiet. You were sitting on top of the table next to Grimmel, the conquers looks at Ruff, slightly nodding, agreeing to the question. Grimmel rolled his eyes a bit. "Why the long face? I mean, mine's long, but yours is really long." Suddenly she started to go on a ramble and you slapped your forehead, groaning internally. You then look over at Grimmel, who's pencil broke because of the lose in his concentration.

Soon he finally snapped," Enough!" You jumped a bit when he throws everything off the table, except you. He went and opened up the cage door. " Most annoying creature to ever cross my path!" " Awww." She then started to mess with him with her hair, making me laugh at his expression. Grimmel opened the other cell and threw her helmet at her. " Take him and go!" "Uhh what about her." Ruffnut said as she pointed at you. You cross your arms, " I have a name yah know." You said rolling your eyes a bit.

Grimmel takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. " She stays with me. Now go!" "Fine Geez! No wonder you have grey hair! Stress is not good for you." She said before finally leaving. " That brat is right. Why wasn't she in the cell and why is she still here." The female conquerer said as she crossed her arms. "Just leave." Grimmel said, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he leans against the table next to you again. The conquer scoffs before walking out with the others.

Grimmel stands again before standing in front of you. He placed both hands on opposite sides of you, blocking you from moving. He then places his head on your shoulder and lets out a sigh, making you chuckle and start to rub his back. "You know, I think it suits you." Grimmel pulls is head away to look at you with a confused look. Your hands reaches up to his hair and start to mess with it. "Your hair. It suits you..." You hands slide down from his hair to his cheeks. " It goes with your gorgeous light... Blue.. Eyes..." You start to say slowly as you stared deep into his eyes as you softly rub his cheek bones.

The room goes silent as you both continued to stare deep into each other's eyes. A blush forms on both of your faces before you both slowly start to lean forward. Finally both your lips made contact with each other, sparks flying through you both. You wrap your arms around his shoulder and close your eyes, pulling him closer till both your chest touch. It then becomes a make out session before you both pull away for air. Both your faces become flushed like a tomato, " I always wanted to do that." You both whisper before laughing. Once your laughing dialed down, you let out a sigh. " We're gonna have to fight... Aren't we..." You sadly say as you looked into his eyes again, seeing a hint of sadness.

"Yes... I won't hurt you, but im afraid that's how it must be..." He said looking and pulling away. "No it doesn't! You can come to Berk and stay with us! No more fighting, just us..." You said hopefully, making him look back at you. "You know I've can't, I've already done to much, plus, this is my job now." He said as he pulled away. " Then change! Grimmel you don't have to keep killing dragons!" You said, hoping off the table. "Yes I do!" He yelled, taking you back by surprise. " The day you got taken. I swore that I would kill dragons because of what they have done to us." He said as his back was towards you.

" Grimmel--" " Please! Just stop!" He said. " Sorry..." You whisper. At the perfect moment, D/n appeared, making you quietly sigh with relief. You stay quiet, walking over to him/her and hoping on, flying off without saying another word. Grimmel growls before starting to kick and throw things out of anger. He then took deep breaths, remember the kiss you two just had, making him relax even more. Though he was relax, he was still mad.

"Let's go finish this..." He said walking out.

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