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Grimmel groaned as he rubbed his forehead as he had to explain to the warlords where they went. "I have to explain this." He whispered to himself, letting out a sigh. " Night Furies can't survive in the cold, so they haven't gone North." He said as he crossed off the area of North on the map. " They're trying to put distance between themselves and their enemies to the East and South. " He said as he placed two other on the map. "And Night Furies cannot fly long distances without rest. Their flight path must include stops. " He said as he pointed at the islands on the map." Therefore, they've gone... They can only have gone...." Grimmel rolled his eyes inside his mind.

" Does anyone want to take a guess? Anyone?" He said as he made a really look" W...w...w..w."Ragnar thought, " Oh! East!" Grimmel groaned internally, " West. Hmm? Simple, you see? Oh isn't this fun?" He said, the female warlord got made and push Ragnar out of the way. They other two following behind. "Oh come on. Where's your love for the hunt? I thought you were conquerors. You'll have your prize in time." Grimmel smiled a bit. " Just allow me a few more days to enjoy this. I have dearly missed it." Suddenly he had a flashback.

"Nope! I can only help you! I can't tell you where it's at!" You said as you put down the crate. " Oh come on N/n! Please!" Grimmel begged, making you sigh. " Fine. I'll help, but I won't tell you where it is." Earlier his parents had hid his favorite toy, making him have to try and track it on his own. "Let me see the map." Grimmel pulled out the map and laid it out in front of him. "Okay. So what do we know?" You asked him and he looked at you, " Nothing." You giggled," that's what you think." You looked back at the map. "So we know you don't like other kids with your toys. So it wouldn't be near where the kids are." You marked an X on the map, where the kids area would be.

"Adults wouldn't wouldn't mess with toys..." He said, crossing out the village square. "See your a natural!" You said, nudging his shoulder. You watched as he continued, finally finding where it was. " It's at our favorite spot!" He cheered excitedly, making you laugh and blush. " There you go!" " Come on! Let's go get it!" He said as he grabbed your hand and rushed off to the hill.

Grimmel chuckled at the memory. " I learned from the best..." He said to himself before whistling and wondering off to find Hiccup.

"I should head back to make sure we weren't followed. " Suddenly Snotlout appeared, " Great idea. I'll go with you for protection." "NO!" She said quickly, surprising both Hiccup and Snotlout. " You're far too important here. " " Yeah." Snotlout said, nodding and walking off. You walked up to the two, " I'll go with you if you'd like Val." She smiled at you, " Yes, YOU can come." You laughed a little. "Just be careful.... Both of you." You smiled and went to D/n, leaving the two to talk alone. Once they finished, you and Val flew off, chatting with each other along the journey.

You and Valka flew quietly before you yelped as D/n was shot down. "Hang on D/n!" You screamed as you both fell and landed on a ship. You groaned and coughed a bit before sitting up. You looked over at D/n, " D/n!" You rushed to his/her side. You let out a sigh and panicked when you placed your hand around your neck, feeling your necklace was gone. "No, no, no, no!" You said as you tried to look for it. Suddenly, feet landed on the deck and you pulled out your weapon and turned, aiming it at the male. The male held a crossbow back at you with one hand, and your necklace with the other.

"Give it back!" You growled out as you glared at the male. The man opened the necklace and his eyes widened a bit before glaring up at you. " Where did you get this." He said in an angry, serious tone. "Don't worry about it. It's none of your concerns." You growled out, you glance at the crossbow and your eyes widened. " Just like how that crossbow isn't yours." The man raised a brow and closed the necklace. "Well this necklace isn't yours either." He said as he went to put it in his pocket.

"Then give me the crossbow." Grimmel gave you a confused look. " What?" You rolled your eyes, " I said give me the crossbow. " " No I'm not giving it to you! This was a gift from my best friend for my birthday." " Yeah well so was that--" You froze and your eyes widened, small tears filling them. " Grim?" Grimmel gave another confused look, " Who are you!? How do you know that!?" He said, raising the crossbow more. You pulled off your helmet, letting your hair fall on your shoulders (ignore that if you don't have hair, sorry) " Grim, it's me!" " What do you mean!? We've never--" He froze fulling taking in your features.

"Y/n?" He dropped his arm that held the crossbow. You rushed forward and pulled him into a tight hug, surprising Grimmel. Grimmel's dragons went to attack, but he lifted one of his hands, signalling for them to stop. He held a serious face, but his heart and mind were running, just like yours. 'I can't believe she's alive! After all these years!' You pulled away and smiled brightly at him. He placed a hand on your cheek and wiped the small tear that slipped through your eye. " I thought I lost you... " He whispered.

You leaned in into his touch, " I thought you forgot about me..." Grimmel looked at you surprised. "Me? Never." He said and you looked at him surprised before pulling him into a tight hug. Suddenly D/n escaped from the net and went to attack. Grimmel's instincts kicked in. He aimed his crossbow, but you quickly pushed it away, causing the arrow to hit a pillar. You pulled away from the hug and quickly turned to D/n." D/n! Hey D/n! It's okay, he's not gonna hurt you." You said quickly petting him/her.

Grimmel's eyes widened and he dropped his arm. " Your on there side..." He said a bit hurt. You looked at him sadly, you turned back to him, " Let me explain--" Cloudjumper swooped down and grabbed you before flying off. " Val! What are you doing!" " Saving you!" You let out a sigh as you let yourself be taken. D/n turned to Grimmel who had his crossbow ready to fire at him/her. D/n looked into his eyes and cooed. For some reason, Grimmel couldn't shoot at the beast. He simply just stared at it before it flew off.

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