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"I don't think Gobber understands that they're still just kids." You said as you walked with Val. " True. Speaking of the subject." You gave Val a confused look, " When were you going to tell me about that little lover you've had?" Val said nudging your shoulder. " I already told you, he's from my home village, plus, he's probably forgotten about me by now. I was getting in his way." Val looked over at you with a sad look. " You know... You remind me of my younger self. " You looked at her and gave her a confused chuckle. " What do you mean?" " Well, we both were carried away by our dragons... We both hid away from our loved ones for a reason...." You hummed, " And we both believed it was for the better." She finishes and you both sit down on a log.

"Yeah, but I mean, you came back, and I don't plan on it. I like Berk, there's no one waiting for me back there." " The man you like might be." You grabbed a stick and mess with the dirt a bit. " Like I said, he probably forgot about me anyway. " Val let out a sigh before placing a hand on your shoulder. " Y/n. I've tried to hide for years, but someone will always find you, whether from yer past or not." She said before standing up. "I'll leave you alone, find me when ever you need me." She said as she walked away. You let out a sigh and continued to mess with the dirt before getting up and walking around.

Time skip

You listened to Hiccup as he explained what has happened last night. To be honest you weren't listening to him because your mind started to float to one of your favorite memories.

You woke up and stretched, today was your birthday, but you were really excited. Yes it was the day you were born, but you had no one to celebrate it with, I mean, you did have Grimmel, but you doubted he even remembered it. You sighed and got out of you sleeping bag and rolled it up, tucking it away to where no one could find it and walked out from between the two houses. You walked around, trying to find Grimmel, but he was nowhere to be spotted. You let out a sigh and walk around.

You ended up spending the entire day alone. You were now sitting on a large rock, throwing smaller rocks into the lake. The sun was now slowly setting and you stood up. You turned around and your eyes lit up. Grimmel ran towards you and stopped right in front of you. " Y/n! I'm so sorry! I had to visit the blacksmith!" You gave him a smile, not mentioning about what today was. "Don't worry! Your here now!" You said, giving him a smile. Grimmel smiled back before snapping out of it.

"Oh! I have to show you something!" Before you could even speak, Grimmel grabbed your hand and started to drag you somewhere. "W-where are we going?" You stuttered as you blushed. "It's a surprise." He said before suddenly covering your eyes. " Grimmel..." You said suspiciously. " We are... Yep we're here!" He uncovered your eyes and your eyes widened. You were on top of a hill and it had a gorgeous view of the sunset, making you gasp. " It's beautiful Grimmel!" You turned to him and your eyes widened even more, your face filled with a deeper blush. "Happy Birthday Y/n! " Tears filled your eyes. Grimmel stood in front of you holding a necklace, shaped into a heart. " Was this why you were at the blacksmith all day?" Grimmel chuckled nervously. " Y-yeah. Do you like it?" You smiled brightly. " I love it!" He smiled and put it on for you. You opened the heart and read what was inside.

'To the best person in the world!- G'

You pulled Grimmel into a tight hug. "Thank you. This is the best birthday ever." Grimmel smiled brightly and hugged you back tightly.

You stared at your opened heart necklace and smiled. "You alright Y/n?" Eret asked, making you snap out of it. "Oh yes sorry. Kinda went to flashback lane. " You said as you closed the heart and tucked it away. Your mind suddenly went to another flashback.

You wiped the sweat off your forehead once you had finished. You grabbed a ribbon and tied it around your gift. Today you had finally finished the gift and today was Grimmel's birthday, which was perfect. You skipped down to his house to see his parents had done a party for him. He was being handed large gifts, making you feel as if you didn't do good enough on your gift, plus the fact that you were not included in the party.

You let out a sigh and went up the hill, watching the sun start to set. You then heard somebody throw themselves next to you. You looked to see Grimmel, who let out a sigh of relief and anger. "I can't believe they lied!" You hid your feelings back and gave him a confused look. " About what?" " My parents told me that they invited you, but you were never there. I asked after the party where you were and then they told me the truth. I would have had so much fun if you were there. " You blushed a bit and glanced at your gift that you hid.

"Umm... I know this doesn't compare to the other gifts you got, but I..." You pulled out you gift and handed it to him. You looked away, scared that he would end up hating it. " I made you this... Happy birthday Grimmel. " You said nervously as you fiddled with your fingers. Grimmel took it from you and stayed silent, making you even more nervous. " Of course this doesn't compare to the other gifts." He said seriously and you looked down. " oh..." "This is WAAAAY special!" Your eyes widened and you looked at him. Grimmel gave you a large smile and you blushed, punching his shoulder. Grimmel laughed, before calming down and looking at you directly in the eyes.
"I'll hold this dearly in my heart." Grimmel said blushing, making you blush more.

Grimmel stared down at the crossbow, turning it to the words that were carved into the wood.

'To my bestest friend!~ N/n'

Grimmel smiled a bit before snapping out of it.

That's the end of the chapter! I hoped you enjoyed it! Don't be afraid to vote and comment and I'll see you in the next chapter! Love y'all BYEEEEEEEE💜💜💜

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