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D/n- Dragon name

A year has passed and You and Valka sit beside each other in the Dinning Hall with the others. It was morning and you were having dinner with one of your best friends. You both became friends when you first came to Berk, but you then were left alone once she was taken away by her dragon, just like you were. After the fight with Drago and the lost of the great chief Stoick, you and Val had gotten closer and closer each day. " Yeah.... Oh AND Snotlout!" You said smirking. Val rolled her eyes, " He just won't give up." " Well it's good cause he is determined." " Bad because it's annoying." Val said as she picked at her food a bit. You then laugh a bit at another thought, " Plus the fact he thinks Eret is trying to steal you from him." Val rolled her eyes, making you laugh more.

"Oh no, You'd be crazy if you ever catch me with either." Val said shaking her head. Suddenly a smirk appeared on her face. " But I have noticed Eret glancing at you every time your around." You scoffed, " As if." You said as you ate some of your slightly cold food. "Yah. I think he sort of likes you. " Val said smirking more, making you roll your eyes. "Well too bad for him. My heart already belongs to someone else." Val choked on her drink, surprising you. You quickly help her out. " WHAT!" She yelled, catching the attention of other vikings around. "Yeah, he's my childhood best friend.... Well, before I left..." You looked down at the table with sadness and Val placed her hand on your shoulder.

Suddenly a plate was set down on the opposite side of them, causing you both to look over. " Good morning ladies." Eret said as he sat down, giving them both a smile. "Good morning Eret. " " Morning Eret son of Eret." You said as you finished up your food. You decided to push your plate aside, if Eret was here, it only meant that the kids were gonna be coming in soon. And you were right. The doors bust opened to see them chattering away, grabbing their food and sitting down. "Morning you guys." "Morning!" They all said before engaging back into their conversations.

You always found it entertaining to see them switch conversations real quickly. You laughed at one of Astrid's smart remarks before Val whispered in your ear. "He's staring~" She pulled away, a small smirk on her face. You raised a brow before glancing over at Eret. He made eye contact with you and quickly looked away, seeming slightly embarrassed by it. You gave him a small smile and shook your head, grabbing your plate. "I will be heading out first, see y'all later." You said before leaving.

Some time has passed in the day and you were doing mini chores and helping around the village. Helping the vikings and dragons. As you walked with D/n, Hiccup stumbled upon you. " Y/n! Great! Just the person I was looking for!" He said limping towards you. " What is it Chief?" You said turning towards him, D/n laying down on the ground. "We need your help, reports have stated that there is a ship capturing dragons. " You smiled and nodded, " Yes sir!" You said and Hiccup smiled, " Welp Suit up and well meet near the docks!" Hiccup said before rushing off. You went back to your house and started to gear up. Once you finished, you look and saw D/n running around excitedly. " You excited girl/boy!? Me too! Now let's go before we're late!" You said hoping on her/his back and flying to the docks.

You threw yourself onto the seat. You placed your food in front of you and started to eat. The mission had taken all night and you were starving. Suddenly the other joined you and you rolled your eyes a bit. "Uh! God help us. Time to stop worrying about the problems out there...." Gobber grabbed Astrid and Hiccup, " and start sorting out the ones right here." Gobber said as he started to suffocate Hiccup, making you laugh.

You went to take a sip of your drink, " Hung up those saddles and get married! " The whole table got quiet and You chuckled a bit. The whole room got quiet." The "M" word." Tuffnut said as everyone froze in their places. "Gross. Unless it's me." She said before throwing the pie at Tuffnut with a grunt. "Start ruling like a royal couple." Gobber suddenly leaned close to Astrid. " Marry him. Please! You're the only one with any sense around here. With you wearing the pants, there's still hope!" Astrid finally escaped Gobber's grip. " Wow! Gobber... Not awkward at all!" She said before leaving. Hiccup then escaped Gobber's grip and Gobber went after Astrid.

You poked at your food, hiding your smirk. "Ouch, that ought to hurt you..." You said as you glanced at Hiccup who was now talking to Eret. "Two more trappers barges spotted in the strait." " So we go after them." Suddenly Gobber appeared again, glaring at Hiccup. " What?" "One day, you're gonna pick a fight you can't win." Gobber said as he poked Hiccup's chest.

With Grimmel

Grimmel walked into the room, hear men clamoring and dragons roaring. Shouting was heard around.

"Back! Do what I say, now! Do what I say! "

"Grab the other head on that Zippleback!"

"You belong to the... "

Grimmel blocked out the guards voices and turned to the warlords that were around the table. " The dragon riders attacked us here, off the Eastern Strait." One of the guards said. Grimmel continues to step forward before finally speaking. "My dear warlords!" Grimmel said as he pulled back the hood (idk what it's called) and fixed his hair. He held a small smile on his face, " How go your plans to conquer the world?" He said as he continued to step forward. Ragnar laughed, " Grimmel, my old friend." Grimmel rolled his eyes internally. "Thank you for coming." Ragnar went to hug Grimmel before being attacked by one of Grimmel's dragon.

"A year since Drago's defeat, and no further along with your dragon army, I see." He says as he steps closer to the table that had a map on display, along with some boat figures. " You can thank the young chief of Berk for that." Said the female warlord. Grimmel picked up one of the boats and examined it a bit. "Stoick's boy?" He asked and Ragnar spoke, " Yep! He and his peace loving dragon riders attack one of our ships again." Ragnar grunted out as he continued to try an avoid the saliva from the dragon above him.

Grimmel hummed, " Mm. That does sound like a nuisance." He said as he turned towards them, still holding the boat. He then tossed it back on the table, knocking the other boats over. "But I'm in the business of killing dragons, not capturing." He said as he started to walk away. The dragon finally removed itself from on top of Ragnar. "But--" " That idiot boy has done everything for you. Gathered all the dragons in one spot. Why bother me?"  He said heading towards the entrance.

The other warlord finally spoke, " Because the flock is protected by a Night Fury." Grimmel froze. Flashbacks to the night you were almost attacked flashed in his mind. His eyes went slightly wide, " Not possible." He said, raising a brow. The warlord chuckled, " It seems one slipped through your fingers. " Grimmel turned around and Ragnar tried to calm them both down. " Look, Berk's dragons will follow the Alpha. Get the Alpha, we get the dragons and you get payed. We even have your favorite bait." He sings the last part as he motioned towards a cage.

Grimmel walked over, " A female?" "So? We have a deal, old friend?" Ragnar said, reaching his hand out to make the agreement official. Suddenly one of the dragons got loose and started charging towards the warlords and Grimmel. The warlords quickly rushed off and Grimmel grabbed his crossbow. He turned and shot the dragon, knocking it out. The beast slid directly in front of him, " When all is said and done, this young chief will bring me the Night Fury." He then snatched his foot from under the beast and started to walk away. " They don't have a leader, just a boy. "

All done! Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter! Love y'all byeeeeeee💜💜💜💜!

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