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(A/n: if you see the image up top, y'all see what I see? Like their poses are literally the same-- like who screenshoted. I'm not complaining it's just Wow.)

"It ruined boy talk." Tuffnut said as he threw the dart behind him, almost hitting Eret in the face and got stuck on the crate. " Woah!" You laughed. "Gah, let me at him!" Gobber said angrily. " Slow down, Gobber." Hiccup said, stopping him.

Hiccup turned towards you and Astrid." Let's get a search team on the ground, scouts in the air." Astrid grabbed an axe and Hiccup turned away. " Toothless and I will fly the coastline." "Yeah, I wouldn't advise taking Toothless anywhere, Chief." Eret said, catching everyone's attention. Eret examined the dart. "I know this handiwork. Grimmel the Grisly. Famous back where I'm from. The smartest dragon hunter I ever met." He said turning towards the group. You froze at the name, ' No...that can't be... Maybe it's a coincidence...' You told yourself, crossing your arms. "Well, next to me, of course." Eret said walking to you and handing you the dart. You carefully grab it and examine it. You then hand it to Astrid.

"Well, he can't be that smart. He left his trap unmanned." Hiccup said as he watches Eret walk. Eret chuckled, " Nothings accidental when it comes to old Grimmel." Eret said as he turned to Toothless, placing his hands on his hips. "He lives for the hunt, to get inside the mind of his prey, to control its every choice." Eret turned towards the group again, " It's all a game to him." "Well he doesn't know who he's playing with." Astrid said determined. " Yeah, we've dealt with his kind before. "

"Don't underestimate him Hiccup." Eret's grip tighted a bit, " Mark my words. He'll be back." You looked up at Eret with worry, " Then we'll be waiting." Hiccup said as they all looked determined.

You hid with the others as you waited for Grisly to come. The only reason you called him that though was so you didn't bring your hopes up when you heard the name. Dust suddenly fell from the roof and you wiped it off, trying not to sneeze from it. "Oh, I hope you don't mind if I help myself." You turned your head to the direction of the voice and watched the scene play out.

"Hmm? Do I say Chief (HICCUPS) or do I call you Hiccup." You quickly cover your mouth, trying to not laugh. Val looked at you, raising a brow. You mouthed sorry to her as you all waited for the signal from Hiccup. "So let's get to the point. I am the Night Fury killer." Flashbacks to the night you were almost attacked flooded through your head, making you shake a bit. You quickly shook your head to snap out of it. "I've hunted every last one but yours."

"History has shown that we are the superior species." Flashbacks flashed in his head about the night he killed the Night Fury. "What if word of your misguided ideas were to spread? It would be the undoing of civilization..." He glanced at Toothless's tail, slowly speaking the last part. " as we know it." Grimmel hummed, kicking the tail. Fishlegs came out dizzy, " Did we get him?" He said before passing out. Hiccup used his sword to take away Grimmel's crossbow.

"Now!" Hiccup said and we all jumped down. "Sorry to barge in." Gobber said, making Grimmel smirk. "You think you can come into my home, sit in my father's chair, and threaten my dragon?" Hiccup aimed his sword at Grimmel again, " This is Berk. And we have defended our way of life from far worse than you." Grimmel smiled, " Oof! A fighting spirit! I love it." He said chuckling. "Only... I'm afraid you're mistaken." He suddenly became serious." You've never seen anything like me." He said before turning and whistling.

You looked up and gasp along with Astrid. Astrid jumps and you catch Astrid, but end up falling instead. Suddenly you heard a dragon snarl. " Astrid look out!" Hiccup yelled and you quickly stood up and grabbed her. The dragon swung its tail. Grimmel laughs as he picked up his crossbow. Grimmel whistles again and points at Hiccup. Another dragon goes to stab him with its tail. " Look out! Son, get clear!" Val said as they dodged the tail. Astrid dodges the dragons acid and quickly rushes off. Gobber appears out of nowhere with Fishlegs. "Run!" They all start to run out of the house.

Hiccup and Valka escape the house, but you were still trapped inside. "Shoot." You told yourself before continuing to look for a way out. Grimmel watched you from outside the house. He was about to leave you there to die before a sudden urge came over him to go and save you. He let out a sigh and whistled, " I can't believe I'm doing this." He said.

Suddenly the roof above you opened and you moved out of the way. Grimmel jumped down and your eyes went wide. He suddenly grabbed you and pulled you close, " Hold on." You glared at him, " Why should I?" " Because I'm saving your life." He said and whistled again. Suddenly one of the dragon's head popped up and Grimmel used his other arm to grab onto the dragons tusk. He whistled again and the dragon lifted them up and flew you two to safety. Grimmel dropped you mid air, making you land on your butt. " Ouch! Why did you even--" Before you could even ask him, he was already gone.

You rushed back to the others to see them panicking. " Has anyone seen Y/n!?" Val said in a panic. You rushed over to her, " I'm alright!" She pulled you into a tight hug and sighed," Thank goodness! I was worried!" She said and smiled. You smiled back before looking at the village, your eyes going wide, "What the--" Houses were up in flames.

All the vikings gathered at the meeting hall. Most complaining about it being late at night. You, Eret, Snotlout, Hiccup, Valka, Astrid, Fishlegs, and Gobber were up on the stage, ready to discuss the matter at hand with the towns vikings. To be honest you didn't pay much attention till he mentioned the Hidden World.

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