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Tears streamed down your face. You were heartbroken and frustrated. Your dragon dropped down onto the new island and you threw your helmet down onto the ground. The other vikings started to surround you. Hiccup and Valka pushed through the crowd, they see and rush to you. "N/n?" You looked up at Valka and quickly hug her. It finally hits on what happened. "Let's go talk..." She said taking you away from the crowd.

You wished there was time for the talk, but the second you both sat down. You both heard Toothless roar. You quickly rush out to where the others were.


You were fighting against guards before a dragon snatched you up and flew you over the water. " What the HEEEEEEECK!" You screamed as you started to fall from the high height. "Is that... Y/n!?" Astrid said as she pushed back the guards. Grimmel looked over towards to noise and his eyes widened. He whistled for one of his dragons. One thing for sure, he had never riden on his Deathgrippers. He quickly hoped on and took control.

You actually felt scared for the first time, when it comes to falling. If you ever had fallen off of D/n, she/he would swoop down last second and save you, but.... D/n wasn't there this time. You were slowly starting to accept death, 'I lived a good life...' You told yourself as you slowly closed your eyes. Right when you got closer to the water, someone quickly caught you. Your eyes widened and you gripped onto the person tightly. The fear from earlier washed over you again, tears slipped from your eyes. Grimmel held you tightly, " How many times are you going to give me a heart attack?" He said worriedly. You panted heavily before nuzzling into his neck before passing out from what just happened.


Everyone released the breath they were holding, thankful that you were saved. When you were caught, Hiccup had saw it and realized who had catched you. " Is that.... Grimmel!?" He said surprised. Grimmel landed and laid you in his arms, " Come on N/n... Wake up... Your... Your scaring me..." He said. That was the first time he was genuinely scared. Everytime he had saved you, and you'd never passed out. He was surprised you passed out there and not when you were attacked by the Night Fury.

He pushed your hair out of your face. His fear rose more and more as you continue not to wake up. "Y/n... Please!" He said one last time before he waited. The silence was thick as he waited. You slowly stirred and opened your eyes. Your vision was blurry, " Grimmel?" You whispered and Grimmel let out a sigh of relief. "You scared me..." He whispered, hoping you didn't hear him. He pulled you into a tight hug. You hugged back, " Thank you..." You said and he only held onto you.

"Stay here and rest... I... I have to go..." He said pulling away and grabbing his crossbow. He turned and started to walk away, " Can't you just stop?" Grimmel froze. " You can stay with us! At Berk! Please! Stop this madness!" You with hope. Grimmel looked down and shook his head, " I'm sorry, but I can't... " He said, not looking at you. You inhaled heavily before looking away. Grimmel then left, you looked down at your hands that were now shaking. You clenched your teeth and fist before standing. You went back into the battle.


You instantly pulled out the axe that was dugged into the wood of the ship and dragged it. 'Who ever dared to cross my path will feel the Y/n L/n!' You told yourself as you watched the guards run towards you. You felt as your eyes turned red with flames as you started to swing the axe with no remorse, no mercy.

" Woah there Princess. Chill with the axe, your bound to hurt one of your own." Snotlout said, a hint of fear traced in it. You glared at him, showing him that's a warning. "Yup... Bad timing!" He said as he dodged the dragon's fire. You saw a dragon chained up and saw Hiccup struggling to free it. You walked up to him, shoving him a bit to the side. You lifted your axe into the air to strike the chain, " Uhh n/n I don't think that's a good--" You finally striked onto the chain, breaking it and releasing the dragon. "Oh." You pushed the strand of hair out of your face and walked away.

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