A, not so surprising, discovery

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Maple raced down the stairs - her brain frantically searching for what to do. "How far into the woods has Lupin gone?"

"Is he okay?"

"What if he's in danger?"

"He is so stupid!"

She entered the living room and collapsed onto the sofa to think things through...

"Lupin has gone into the woods..." She began to herself,

"In the middle of the night..." She continued - voice shaking,

"By himself, where countless dangers lie..."

"What if he's been taken by a bear?! Or a w...w...wolf!"

"Or e...e...even wor...wor...worse..."

"What if magic really is real?"

"What if some magical monster-like creature has taken him or even killed him already?!"

"No...no...I know magic isn't real... Mother says so herself,"

"I'm getting ahead of myself, I'm j...just over tired, I just...just...need some...some...sleep," she said - yawning. Maple closed her aching eyes, struggling to keep her thoughts at bay.

"This'll all be a faint dream by morning," She reassured herself, before falling into a deep sleep on the living room couch.

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