The End Of A Weird Day

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"Big day? What does he mean, big day?" Lupin began,

Maple shook her head,

"I don't know, you can't expect me to have all the answers, Lupin," She turned away and started re-arranging her bed,

"I guess we'll just have to wait 'til tomorrow to find out, I'm too tired to question Tortuga further, plus he probably wouldn't appreciate us doing so, at this hour," He muttered, tiredly,

"I'm going to go to the bathroom, don't get up to no good while I'm gone, Lupin. I know what you're like," Maple said sternly, she then whisked off across the living-room, toward the bathroom door and through,

"Me? Up to no good, hah! As if!" Lupin smirked, he could hear rain start to fall outside,

"Perfect," He thought, glancing around. The house was now silent, the only noises were snoring - presumably Tortuga - and rainfall, he could also hear the occasional crunch of animal paws on the damp ground and various other things from outside, a tingle made its way down his spine, he shivered.

"Lucky it's warm in here," Lupin sighed, thinking of how cold it must be outside,

Curious, He wondered over to the kitchen. To the side, on the counter sat some scattered pieces of paper. Notes. Ideas. He skimmed the writing, even though it was not his to read. Lupin saw words such as 'Queen' 'Plot' 'Revenge' 'Mago Valiente' 'Attack' and to his surprise... 'Maple Orchidal' did Tortuga know their last name? Why...why was Maple's name written there? What is he planning?

Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, Maple appeared. She had that creepiness about her, always silent on her feet, you never know when she might appear!

"Lupin!" Maple grabbed his shoulder,

"Damn it! Don't do that, Maple!" Lupin cursed, and then spun around on his heels,

"What are you doing, Lupin? What is that?" She queried,

"N...Nothing," He lied, standing in front of the counter, attempting to hide the paper,

"Just a...a recipe, I wan...wanted to know what was in th...those biscuits," He furthered,

"Oh, let me see then," She said and tried to peer around Lupin, He quickly moved in front of her,

" need, I...... I have memorized it," He said with a slight grin,

"I can write it down for you, I mean, If you want it,"

" it's fine," Maple replied with a wave of her hand,

"Just as long as you didn't see anything suspicious in the ingredients..."

Lupin shook his head,

"No, I don't think there was, I mean it was just your average biscuit ingredients," He said, guilty, as he knew he was lying to his sister and wasn't entirely sure about the biscuits. But of course he could trust Tortuga, although this new finding of his made him question fully trusting him, but so far he has been ever so welcoming and lovely so...why not trust the tortoise?

"Ok, good," Maple said, nodding awkwardly at her brother and walking back to her bed.

Lupin glanced back at the notes, sighed, and headed for the bathroom. A circular mirror with plants wound around the rim, was hung above a little light blue sink. A deep, free-standing, oval bath was placed in the corner, a toilet sat in the corner next to it, and had a dark turquoise, wooden seat. Crystals were laying on the window-sill, colours of purple, amber, deep-green, he knew the names of a few - amethyst, tiger's eye, obsidian - he didn't really know much about them though. The floor was covered in green, mystic-looking tiles and the walls were wooden and painted a purple-pink of which looked slightly swirled.

He bent over the sink and washed his face with warm water. He then stood up straight and stared at himself in the mirror, his hair had become disheveled and wild and his bright eyes bloodshot. He looked well...mad, he thought.

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