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Lupin had finally got to the outskirts of the village, lanterns glowed warm yellow, and the streets deserted, he hadn't noticed how cold he felt until now, for he now longed to be home by the fire, cozied up in his bed resting his tired eyes. He wondered if his Mum and Sister were still sleeping? By morning they'd never know he'd been gone. He wondered down the pathway, leading through the market, and up to their familiar drive, he walked up to and through the door, gently closing it behind him. He slipped off his coat, cringing as it ruffled, and took off his muddy, ruined shoes. He then headed toward the staircase and got a glimpse through the living room door...the light was on...but as far as Lupin knew, nobody was awake...He edged through the door and saw Maple sleeping on the sofa, "Why isn't she in bed?" Lupin questioned himself. Just as Lupin left the room, Maple stirred. She woke with a startled "eeeeeeeek". He fled up the staircase to his room. Then launched himself into bed, steadied his breathing to make it seem like he was asleep...but soon enough he really was sleeping.

Meanwhile, his Mother had woken to her daughter's screech, leapt out of bed and down to the living room, she entered through the door to find her daughter curled up on the sofa rocking herself, "What happened?" She asked Maple,

"Bad dream?" Her Mother suggested, Maple nodded, wide-eyed - while sobbing. Her Mum came and sat next to her and wrapped her arms around Maple,

"What are you doing down here anyway?" She said in a motherly voice,

"I...I...was get...getting a drink," Maple lied, she'd wanted to tell her Mum everything but something stopped her...

"Well we'd better get you back to bed, wait here a moment..." her Mother said, swiftly walking out of the room. She came back a few minutes later with a steaming mug of milk,

"Here," she said, as she handed Maple the mug,

"Thank you," Maple said - face lighting up at the very first sip, as it warmed her body and almost entirely took away the fear - almost.

She and her Mum wondered back up the stairs and into Maple's bedroom, her Mother kissed her goodnight and she instantly fell asleep.

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